Pihu's determination to leave the mansion and find a job propelled her towards the exit without a second thought. Her eyes shone with resolve, her lips set in a firm line. Rudra watched her, his anger building like a storm. Pihu's earlier words about his love fading had stung like a viper's bite, and her actions only added fuel to his smoldering rage.

Without hesitation, Rudra swiftly closed the distance between them and, in one fluid motion, hoisted Pihu onto his shoulder. Pihu let out a startled shriek as the air was knocked out of her lungs, feeling like a helpless captive as he carried her, her struggles and protests futile.

"PUT ME DOWN, Rudra!" she yelled with all her might, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Rudra carried her towards their bedroom, ignoring her continued protests and her struggles to escape his unyielding grasp. When they reached the bedroom, he unceremoniously deposited her on the bed and loomed over her.

Pihu's protests gradually faded as she was confronted by the intense, almost predatory look in Rudra's eyes, which had darkened to an unsettling pitch. He spoke in a low, menacing tone that chilled her to the bone. "You think I'll get bored of you?"

Rudra's voice was low and laced with a dangerous edge as he continued, "You underestimate my commitment, Pearl. You belong to me, now and forever."

Before she could react, he captured her lips with his, taking her completely off guard. Pihu, initially shocked, attempted to push him away, but Rudra was relentless. He firmly held her hand above her head with one hand and cradled her cheek with the other, kissing her slowly and passionately, pouring all his love, possessiveness, and obsession into that kiss.

Pihu struggled against his grasp, her tears flowing continuously. Her conflicting emotions, a mix of fear, frustration, and confusion, roiled within her as she grappled with the intensity of the moment.

After what felt like an eternity, Rudra finally pulled away, wiping her tears gently. His voice was low, and his words carried a heavy weight as he declared, "You can't go against me, Pearl. Now, you will not leave this room until you forget about the thought of working."

With these words, Rudra left the room and locked it from the outside. Locked in the room, Pihu curled into a ball, her tears flowing unabated. The weight of her shattered dreams pressed upon her, and she felt suffocated. Throughout her life, she had always been driven by the desire to be independent, to have the freedom to pursue her ambitions, even in the face of adversity. She recalled the times she had persevered, like when her family couldn't afford school fees and she faced humiliation or when she had tirelessly studied day and night to earn a scholarship.

Now, when she was on the cusp of realizing her dreams, they had crumbled like a fragile house of cards. In the vast mansion, Pihu felt profoundly isolated, yearning for the understanding and comfort only her mother could provide, on whose lap she could just sleep, forgetting all her problems. There was an overwhelming sense of helplessness that consumed her.

As Pihu lay there, lost in her despair, a sudden thought emerged, a memory of her mother's words echoing in her mind. "Never give up, Pihu," her mother had said. "Even if the world is against you, never give up on your dreams." Those words ignited a spark of determination within Pihu, a reminder that her dreams were worth fighting for, no matter the obstacles in her path.

Throughout the day, Pihu remained locked in her room, with Madhu briefly entering to deliver food and then quickly leaving, following Rudra's instructions to avoid any conversation. Pihu understood that Rudra sought to isolate her, to make her entirely dependent on him. The thought of her future under his control filled her with dread.

As night fell, Pihu's mind raced, formulating a daring plan of escape. She was determined to break free from this prison, even if it meant venturing into the unknown. She had no clear destination, no concrete plan, but her desire for freedom outweighed any fear or uncertainty.

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