"But is everything okay between you guys?" My gaze locked onto Dean as he posed the question.


"It's just that he appeared sad and angry when he called for both of us. He seemed utterly confused and looked like a complete mess. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes when he mentioned your name," Dean explained, his words hanging in the air as all the guys turned their attention to me, awaiting my response.

"It's n-nothing. Nothing happened," And nothing will ever happen again.

I started walking, feeling their presence behind me, their footsteps echoing in tandem with mine. It was comforting to have them by my side as we ventured forth to meet my aunt.

With little fanfare, we reached the office door, and I wasted no time in turning the handle. As I stepped inside, my eyes immediately welled up with tears as they fell upon Aunt May, engrossed in a conversation with Uncle J.

"Aunt May," I whispered, a mix of awe and disbelief coloring my voice. Our eyes locked, and in an instant, the coldness that had etched itself onto her face melted away. We both broke down, tears streaming down our cheeks.

Without a second thought, I rushed towards her, my arms enveloping her in a tight, emotional embrace. "I can't believe you're actually here," I managed to choke out, my voice thick with emotion. Her hands found their place on my back, offering a reassuring pat that she was indeed here.

"I'm here, dear," she laughed softly, and I reluctantly released her from my grasp. "You look different," she observed, her gaze searching my face for signs of change. I furrowed my brow in confusion, unsure of what she meant.

"How?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Just a feeling," she shrugged, dismissing the thought with a wave of her hand. Her eyes shifted to my friends, who were standing near the entrance, patiently waiting their turn. I nodded, silently inviting them to come closer.

Ana wasted no time and ran towards Aunt May, her arms wrapping around her in a warm embrace. "Oh, wow! She must be Ana, right?" Aunt May chuckled, her eyes sparkling with joy. I had told her everything about my friends, describing each of their personalities, so it didn't surprise me that she was able to guess correctly.

"Yes, and it's a total pleasure to meet you!" Ana exclaimed, her enthusiasm radiating from every pore. She eventually released Aunt May from her embrace, making way for Avery to step forward. Avery appeared slightly nervous, which was understandable since this was her first encounter with someone outside the supernatural world.

"It's nice to meet you," Avery said, her voice soft and unsure. Aunt May frowned for a moment, processing Avery's words before a warm smile spread across her face, and she pulled Avery into a hug.

"It's lovely to meet you too, dear," Aunt May said, her embrace surprising Avery. The unexpected gesture elicited quiet laughter from Ana and the rest of us, the tension slowly dissipating.

One by one, Dean and Jacob introduced themselves, and Aunt May effortlessly matched their names to their faces. It wasn't difficult to figure out who was who, especially since Jacob had a reputation as the player boy among our group.

A sharp cough sliced through the air, abruptly interrupting our little reunion. I glanced up, only to realize that Uncle J had been standing there the whole time, an aura of seriousness enveloping him. "If we are all done, I would like to address a more pressing matter," he declared, his voice commanding attention.

"Red, what I'm about to say may be triggering for you, but something that the soul eater uttered before his demise has been haunting me," he began, his gaze unwavering. I nodded, urging him to continue despite the unease that crept into my heart.

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