"He was your father. How could you say something like this about your deceased father?" Jungkook said, annoyed.

"Father? He never behaved like one. He always neglected me and my mom and hung out with his friends. My mom died because of his negligence. We are happy after that alcoholic died. So, please leave us. We don't want to catch the culprit. That old hag paid the price for his sins. So please don't drag us into this case and kindly leave," he said.

Taehyung and Jungkook left.

"There is no clue at all. Why would someone kill old people? They are not rich either," Jimin expressed his opinion.

"We have clues; we only have half the data now. Let's see what Jungkook and Taehyung have found," you replied. Jimin received a call from Jungkook.

"Hey, how did it go?" Jimin asked.

"Let's meet at a restaurant and discuss. I'm sharing the location," Jungkook replied and hung up.

You and Jimin went to a restaurant, which was essentially a roadside food shop run by an elderly couple. You all sat at a round table and ordered noodles and a black bean sauce platter.

"So, how did it go?" Jimin asked.

"We went to Han-Joon's house, and his family is horrible. They are not willing to cooperate with the investigation. His son doesn't care about who killed his father. He's happy that he died," Jungkook said.

"What? What kind of son is he?" Jimin exclaimed.

"Not all fathers are great; some are evil too," Taehyung said with a sad face. You felt like he wasn't referring to the victim. You had never seen him in such a mood before.

"What about Bo-shik?" You asked.

"Jungkook replied, 'He lived with his wife. After his death, his daughter took her mother to Daegu with her. We asked the neighbors. They said he was found dead in the woods. He was a gentleman and had lived a good life. He had no enemies.'

'We went to Hyung-Bok’s house and found no one there. His neighbors said he lived alone and wasn't close to anyone. He barely talked to anyone, never married, and was quite reclusive. He went for his usual morning walk and never returned. People found him dead in the woods.'

'Okay, so if we summarize everything, four murders have taken place in the past month. There were four friends - Nam-suk, Gi-Chun, Han-Joon, and Bo-shik, of which three died, and one is alive. But what about Hyung-Bok? He isn't related to them at all. Why would the culprit have killed him?' You asked.

'Jimin said, 'We're missing something here.'

The restaurant lady arrived and served food. She said, 'Enjoy these potato pancakes. They're on the house; I made them especially for our young detectives.'

'Aww, thank you, Granny. I love you!' Jimin cheerfully said, forming a heart shape with his hands.

'Let's eat first. We can discuss later,' Jungkook suggested. You noticed that Taehyung was still in a somber mood, barely touching his food. You picked up a piece of pancake and offered it to him. 'We need to be healthy to fight. Eat more, or I'll have to feed you myself,' you said.

Jungkook shot you a glare. After finishing lunch, Jungkook went to pay the bill, and you followed him. He was busy thanking the granny for the delicious food while you examined the cozy restaurant. Your eyes landed on an old photo frame hanging on the wall.

'Granny, what's that picture?' you asked.

'Granny, what's that picture?' you asked

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