Running after wolves

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You were walking to the office. Though its your second day, you are stepping inside the office for the first time as yesterday you were at police station for all day. As you were just 10 steps away from the office door Jimin came running to you, grabbed your hand and said 'Hey Y/N lets go.'

'What??? Where?? Again?? Please let me just step inside the office for once' you pleaded making doe eyes.

'Hahaa... chill I am not taking you on a mission. I am going to buy coffee for everyone. As, now you are our maknae from now on you have to fetch coffee for everyone. Lets go' he said taking you to the nearby café.

'3 iced americano, one expresso and one banana milkshake please' he ordered.
'What you will take?'
'I will take iced latte'
'One iced latte too, thank you!' he said while handing a card to the waiter.

'Banana milkshake?? Do we have kids at our office' you asked curiously?
'Yeah, we have a big baby bunny who loves drinking banana milkshake. You already met him' he replied.
'Me? Who?' you asked raising an eyebrow.
'Our team leader, Jungkook' he uttered making you shock.
'What, that freak? I-I mean.... I am sorry that just came out of shock' you said realizing you just called your boss a FREAK.

'He is sweet, you don't know him yet. Once you get to know him, you will love him too' he said in a calming voice.
You both went to office. Jimin introduced you to everyone while handing them coffee.

'Hey Y/N-shi Good morning.' Hoseok greeted with a bright smile.
'Hi, I am Kim Namjoon, Detective Chief superintendent.' a tall man with deep voice spoke.

'Hello Y/N, I am Kim Seokjin Detective superintendent' another tall man with broad shoulders and handsome face introduced.
'Hello Sir, Nice meeting you' you greeted with a smile.

'The guy in the corner with computer glued to his face is Kim Teahyung, our hacker. He gets us all the data we need in minutes. He is very talented but he is an introvert. It took him 8 complete months to talk to us. I think it will take more time with you since you are a women. I never saw him speaking to a women before' as Jimin was explaining you went to Teahyung and introduced 'Hi I am Y/N, Nice to meet you. Hope we will get along.'

'Hi, I... I.. I am Kim Teahyung. I am a good boy. Nice to meet you too' he stuttered while shaking your hand.
Everyone was looking at you both starstruck.

'Yeaaa how can you do this to me. You spoke with me after I persuaded you for two months. F*** I am betrayed.' Jimin said pouting his heart shaped lips.
'We have meeting in 15 min. Be ready' Jungkook informed sipping his banana milk before moving to the meeting room.

You were drinking your iced latte looking at nothing. You came to your sense hearing a voice 'come out of your dreamland detective Y/N. What are you thinking?' Hoseok asked. .

'I was just wondering; what kind of creature is that' you said pointing at Jungkook.

'Bunny face with kangaroo body'
'Heavenly voice with rude tone'
'Doe eyes with devil stare'
I have never met someone like him.' You said still looking at Jungkook from the glass door of the meeting room.

'Have you already fallen in love with him.' He teased you.
'Never in my wildest dream' you said getting up and going to the meeting room.

You all went to the meeting room. Jungkook started explaining while showing pictures in the projector.
'Jimin will take kang chul (the guy y'all arrested yesterday) to the dealer pretending he is there to buy drugs. Hoseok and Jin will hide nearby with guns, As they are our best snipers. I will be watching jimin from afar. Teahyung will keep an eye on everything from the car. I want that bast**d at any cost, even if you have to kill anyone there' Jungkook explained in a sombre voice.
'And Y/N you can sit in car with teahyung' jungkook said looking at you expressionless.

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