Behind the curtains

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The dimly lit alley is covered with dried leaves, and your heart pounds like a desperate drumbeat, chest heaving with fear. Sweat drips off your temples as you attempt to push away his hand, seeking any escape, but the knife sinks deeper into your flesh.

"Don't try to act smart, detective. If you move an inch, I will slit open your neck," a voice behind you warns. You shut your eyes tightly. Your soul screams for help, but your mouth remains silent as the grave.

"Stop investigating this case. Take your team and get out of our village. Tomorrow morning, if I see any of your team in the village, you will be the first to die. RIP in advance, girl. HaHaHaHa......HaHaHa," a cruel grin curls on his lips.

A stone hits right across the masked man's face, and he drops his knife. Seizing the chance, you escape his grip, delivering a swift kick to his stomach. He falls down, groaning in pain. Jungkook rushes towards you, and the masked man attempts to flee. You move to catch him, but Jungkook pulls you back.

"Where do you think you are going?" he screams.

"We need to catch the culprit. He is running away. Leave me; I need to catch him," you insist.

"Don't you realize how hurt you are? Do you care about your injury?" he asks, his eyes red, and his face drowning in tears. A red liquid drips from your fingers, flowing from your neck. It stings harder when you recall the earlier scene. Jungkook pulls you to sit on a bench. He kneels down in front of you, takes out his handkerchief, and gently presses it on your wound, looking at you with puppy eyes.

Jungkook calls Jimin, "Hyung, Y/N is hurt. There is no hospital in this village; what should I do?" His voice is fragile, trying hard not to let out a sob.

"What? How did she get hurt? How bad is it?" Jimin screams through the phone.

"She has a deep cut on her neck. She is loosing blood, i dont have time. I will tell you the details later Hyung," Jungkook says, concerned.

"Okay, okay. Take her to the clinic near the restaurant we ate at. We will be there before you. Don't worry; I will arrange everything," Jimin reassures.

"Let's go to the hospital," Jungkook says, lifting you bridal style and starting to run.

"My neck is injured, not my legs. Drop me; I can walk," you protest.

Don't talk. It will make the pain worse," he said, and he was right; the pain was excruciating. Jungkook ran with you in his arms, and your focus was on the veins popping out of his sweaty neck. You wanted to capture the sight into your heart, but you were slowly losing consciousness. Jungkook reached the clinic, and Jimin was waiting outside with a stretcher. Jungkook laid you down on the bed, and though you were not fully awake, you could still feel the pain in your neck. The doctor examined your wound.

"There is no internal damage, but the cut is deep, so I have to stitch it," the doctor said. Soon after, a nurse arrived with a tray full of medical supplies for stitching. The doctor cleared your wound and gave you anesthesia before stitching and placing a bandage. "Let her stay here for the night; you can take her back tomorrow morning," the doctor said to Jungkook.

You slept peacefully until a prickling sensation on your neck woke you. Opening your eyes, you found no one around. You were in a hospital gown, not wearing your clothes. You sat on the bed, recalling the past few hours, remembering how Jungkook ran with you in his arms and how you passed out. The concerned look on Jungkook's face lingered in your mind. Glancing out of the window, you saw a big, shining moon peering inside. Rushing outside, you discovered an empty clinic. In a tiny room, a nurse was in slumber. Outside, Jungkook sat on a bench, staring at the moon. You sat beside him, and his blank eyes softened when they met yours.

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