Echoes of rescued hearts

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Two doors at the end of the dark room, opened. Sun rays evaded the dark room, making it dusky bright. The silent room is now resonating with bullets sounds. From the right door, Jungkook rushed inside with a handgun shooting every man on his way and from the left door Jungsuk shot the two men who were torturing you a minute before.

They looked like hungry alpha Wolfs, who came to rescue their mate. Within seconds, walls of room were painted red. Jessi was surrounded with her bodyguards protecting her from Jungkook's bullets. Soon Jimin and Hoseok joined Jungkook. Your drowsy eyes and intense pain in your head made it difficult to differentiate the real from dream. It was indeed a dreamy sight for you to see many handsome man fight for you risking their life. But you wondered if this sight is real or you are just dreaming about it. Before you can make a conclusion Jungkook shot the chain that tied your hands while Jungsuk caught you in his arms.

'Y/N! open your eyes please.' He pleaded. You had throbbing pain all over your body and couldn't move an inch. Jungkook reached you killing the bulky men who came in between.

'Y/N wake up, we need to get out of here' Jungkook demanded with teary eyes. You were observing his every feature with half closed eyes. He had some minor scratches on his face, which he got from breaking window glass. His worried face bought a smile on your face.

'He likes me, he likes me more than anything and I can feel that.' You thought. 'Please talk to me Y/N, you are scaring me.' Jungkook pleaded. 'T-Thank you,________ F-for coming.' You said forcing yourself to talk.

'Jungkook she is escaping' Jimin called witnessing Jessi escape while he was busy fighting her bodyguards. 'I will catch her, you should take Y/N to hospital' Jungsuk advised handing you to Jungkook. He agreed focusing on your fragile state.

Jungsuk rushed towards Jessi but not to catch her like you all were thinking but to save her from detectives. Jungkook picked you up in his arms and ran towards the exit. With every step he was taking, pain in your body was piercing deeper.

The only relief you had was Jungkook's unstably beating heart which sang a lullaby to you. You buried your face deeper into his chest to listen to in more. His floral scent relaxed your hormones and sent you to deep sleep, away from all the pain your body was bearing. Jungkook observed how your body was becoming lifeless.

'Y/A open your eyes. Please get up. Don't do this to me please' tears slipped from his eyes and rained on you.

He is crying. He is crying for you, only for you. You want to wipe his tears, hug him tightly and say 'I wont leave you, I can't', but your body is not in your control. It felt like your soul is already separated from flesh.

'Y/N' Yoona screamed witnessing Jungkook carry your lifeless body. She got out of the car and rushed towards Jungkook. 'What happened?' she enquired, tears building in her eyes. 'Hyung, Start the car. Let's go to nearby hospital. Fast' Jungkook commanded Jin who opened the car door for him.

'What happened to her? How bad is she hurt?' Jin asked closing the door and rushing back to driver's seat. 'They tortured her Hyung and now she is unconscious. Drive fast, we need to go' Jungkook replied placing your head on his lap.

'Go to Doldam hospital, its nearby' Taehyung suggested through speaker. 'NamJoon meet us there with others.' Jin ordered, Namjoon who was in another car waiting for members, before getting into the car. 'Is she bleeding anywhere?' Yoona asked.

'There are wounds, but the bleeding is not severe. I think she got internal injuries.' Jungkook replied wiping blood on your face with his hankey. 'I informed the hospital, You can reach there in 10 mintues. I am on my way too' Taehyung informed.

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