Hopelessly lost in you

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"You're coming with me to my house. This isn't a request; it's an order," Jungkook commanded. It's been four days since you were attacked, and today is your discharge from the hospital. All your teammates came to visit you in the hospital. Yoona was packing your things to take you back, but Jungkook insists that you stay at his house until you recover. According to him, it's not safe for you to stay in a lousy apartment. He also thinks your apartment is small and uncomfortable.

"Why would I come to your house?" you strongly denied his order. For you, staying in a hut is more comfortable than staying with Jungkook, especially for two months. It's impossible.

"My house is more comfortable and safer; I have 24/7 security and people to take care of you. It's just for two months, why are you making a big deal out of it?" he replied, tugging his hand inside his black jeans. Jungkook is wearing a blue shirt with white stripes and black jeans. He looks extra vibrant in that color. His hair is perfectly combed, giving him the look of a software professional.

 His hair is perfectly combed, giving him the look of a software professional

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You are staying in a VIP room which is bigger than your bedroom. It has two big couches on each side of the room, occupied by Namjoon, Hobi, Jin on one side, while Taehyung is on the other. Hobi was peeling tangerines for you, and half of them were eaten by Namjoon. "Stop eating. It's for Y/N," Hobi scolded.

Jungkook was standing next to the couch. Jimin is helping Yoona with packing. They both look closer than they were before.

"You want me to be with a man when half of my body isn't working? I can't even eat by myself. It's more uncomfortable to live with you than in my small apartment," you argued.

"That's why Yoona is also moving in with you," he said, looking at Yoona, who nodded, confirming his statement. Your eyes widen as she already agreed to it. She has been staying in the hospital with you for the past four days, taking care of you. The dark patches under her eyes are proof that she is exhausted. She won't be able to rest if you go back to your apartment. It isn't a very bad idea to stay with Jungkook; all you must do is control your hormones. Well, that's a difficult task, but you believe you have more self-control than anyone on this earth. "I can do it," you thought.

"Y/N will come with me to our home," Jungsuk stepped in with a bouquet of blue orchids before you could agree with Jungkook.

Jungsuk came near your bed and placed the bouquet on the table while taking a seat on the stool next to you. "How are you feeling now, darling?" he asked, caressing your left hand. You looked at Jungkook, who was burning with rage. The urge to kick Jungsuk out of your sight is clearly visible in his red eyes.

"I am fine," you replied. Jungkook sat on the couch beside Taehyung.

"Let's go home, baby. Our home. Sugar is waiting for you," he said, tucking a hair strand behind your ear.

"She ain't going anywhere," Taehyung fulminated. You wonder why Taehyung always loses it around Jungsuk. He was never low on tolerance for frustration, but when it comes to Jungsuk, he is always furious.

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