A clash of emotions

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In the evening, you worked with Taehyung to track the men who had kidnapped you since their leader wasn't in the truck. You clicked your pen repeatedly while sharing information, "When I reached that factory, there were two trucks and a black SUV. He must be in the SUV since he wasn't in the truck."

Teahyung inquired, "Have you seen the license plate number?"

"No," you explained, trying to recall the details, "It was too dark to see. It was a black Volkswagen SUV."

Taehyung nodded and immersed himself in his hacking work.

Jin, with a hint of sarcasm, remarked, "There's a tall, devastatingly good-looking guy waiting outside, leaning on his brand-new Lamborghini with a bouquet of red roses. But it looks like his princess is busy finding gangsters with other men, Y/N-shi."

Jimin and Hoseok rushed to see outside, and you noticed it was already 6:15 PM.

"He's already here? Ahhhh!!! I forgot again," you exclaimed while hurriedly packing your things.

"Wow! He's dashing, Y/N. You both will look good together," Jimin gushed, and Jungkook went to see the man they were talking about.

You waved goodbye to your colleagues and said, "Thank you, adieu!"

"Have fun!" they cheered you on.

You stepped outside to meet the heartthrob waiting for you and asked, "Why didn't you call me when you were already here?"

"I didn't want to disturb your work, and I'm always early when I meet you. Take this; each petal in this bouquet carries a piece of my love for you," he said, presenting you with the roses.

However, his open expression of affection made you feel somewhat uncomfortable, and you thought, "He is so blunt, expressing his feelings very openly. Now I am uncomfortable."

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he acknowledged your unease, "I just can't suppress the overflowing feelings in me."

"No, it's fine," you replied before preparing to enter the car. However, Jungkook approached you and grabbed your hand, saying, "I have something to talk to you. Come with me."

Concerned, you asked, "What's wrong?" as you looked into his tense face.

He handed you a bracelet and explained, "Here, take this. It has a tracker and alarm. When you think you are in danger, just press this, and I will be right there for you."

You attempted to remove it, saying, "Sir, I am going on a date with my lover-to-be. He is someone I trust. I don't need this."

"Please keep it. It's not just because you are going on some date. It's for your safety. Danny's people may try to hurt you because you saved those women. This can save you and your so-called partner," he said, his voice deep with concern.

Although you initially resisted, his genuine worry convinced you to keep the bracelet without further argument. As you turned to leave, you noticed Jung Suk's expression was less than pleased. If a glare could kill, Jungkook would have been dead long ago.

"Let's go; we're getting late," you said, taking the passenger seat. He closed the door before settling into the driver's seat.

"What restaurant are we going to?" you inquired, attempting to break the awkward silence.

"We're going to a Japanese restaurant," he replied, and you exclaimed, "Wow, I wanted to eat Japanese. You do know me well."

After half an hour of driving, you arrived at a 30-floor building. You wondered, "Isn't this an art museum? Does it have a restaurant too?"

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