Deceptive Realities

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"Yoona, can we talk? Only if you want to share," you asked while having breakfast.

"I have a lot of things to share, but I'm scared it will affect our friendship. I don’t want to lose you," she said, playing with her food and avoiding eye contact.

"Bitch, you are scaring me now. Nothing in this world can change our friendship," you said, glaring at her.

"Promise me you won’t be disappointed in me," she asked softly.

"Shut the fuck up and tell me the truth before I kill you," you said, pointing the fork towards her.

"I slept with Jimin," she said and closed her eyes, expecting you to throw the fork at her. Your eyes widened at her words. The news was definitely shocking but you already saw it coming, and now you realized how Jungkook got to know that you were not home the other day. The silence in the room made Yoona open her eyes and look at you.

She looked at you with puppy eyes. "Say something, Y/N. You know your silence scares me the most."

"Was he good?" you asked, winking. Yoona’s eyes widened at your question, and she threw a glass of water at you.

"You fucking asshole! I told you I slept with your colleague, and this is the first question that came to your mind?"

"What do you expect me to ask then? You fucked with my colleague, and it ain’t my problem, girl. I don’t believe you questioned our friendship for something like this, dude," you said, wiping your T-shirt with tissues.

"I thought you would be disappointed in me," she said with a low voice. You went near her and held her shoulders.

"Look at me," you ordered. She slowly raised her head and looked at you with teary eyes.

"Nothing in this world can make me more disappointed in you than I already am," you said softly and laughed, looking at her crying face.

"Shibal!" she cursed and chased you.

"I hate you," she said, throwing punches at you, which made you laugh even more. She is so tiny compared to you, which makes you adore her more. You both are literally the duo of Tom and Jerry.

You grabbed her hand, preventing her from punching, and said, "I love you, idiot." You both giggled and hugged each other sitting on the couch. You patted her back gently, comforting her. "So now tell me, was he good? Jimin-shi has a great body indeed. Did you like it?" you asked.

"I don’t know. I don’t remember it," Yoona replied, breaking the hug.

"What do you mean you don’t remember it? You said you had it with him," you asked, confused at her statement.

"I was so drunk that I don’t remember it," she replied.

"Without remembering, you concluded that you slept with him? You dumbo," you smiled at her stupidity.

"I remember until we kissed and removed our upper clothing. After that, I don’t remember anything. But when I woke up in the morning, we both were in our undies," she explained.

"Have you talked about it with him?" you inquired.

"Yeah, he said sorry," she answered, interlocking her fingers, a gesture she does when feeling nervous or sad.

"He is sorry? For fucking what?" you said, controlling your anger.

"I think for the night we spent. He must be regretting it," she said, tears escaping her eyes.

"Let me talk to him," you said, getting up. She immediately grabbed your hand, preventing you from leaving.

"Don’t do it. I want to get over him. It was just a night. I don’t even know him personally to have strong feelings. Give me some days, and I will be all good," she said, giving you an assuring smile.

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