my queen

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POV: Nyoka

My body feels so sore. The nurse was even kind enough to give me some painkillers but it doesn't feel like it's done anything.

I didn't get much sleep before I woke up again and Celeste was gone, assuring me when she got back that she just went to the bathroom, though I could see she was hiding something by how she smiled.

She went and got my mother when she finally got to the hospital, leaving me for a moment to get bored again and begin missing my babies again. I haven't even held them and I miss them.

As Celeste takes forever to come back with my mother, one of the nurses that have been tending to me returns, a wide smile over her face. Behind her trails a few other nurses with small swaddles in their arms. Two pink blankets and one blue.

I eagerly sit up, the nurse helping me a bit before they pass me each baby, helping me hold them all in my arms and reminding me to support their heads as they rest against my legs.

Each of them look a bit like they're dozing off but one of them holds their eyes wide open as I cradle them, tears filling my eyes. Even as I cry, I can't help but smile as I look at them. They're beautiful.

"We'll give you a minute with them and if you feel up to it, you can try breastfeeding them," the nurse offers and I instantly agree.

I don't fully understand how I'll be able to feed three of them but I'm sure someone knows. My mind is too tired to figure it out myself. I've hardly gotten any sleep since going into labour and I don't want to sleep now that I finally have them in my arms.

Celeste and I haven't decided on names yet but I feel like they really need them since they each look so similar.

The nurses leave me to admire them as they each make small little noises and wriggle a bit, each of them look at me with their gorgeous eyes that are so bright and full of life.

I don't know how much time passes while I'm alone with my babies but it's enough for Celeste to return with my mother. I know they don't get along but they both stay quiet about it in front of me, which I do appreciate.

Celeste smiles as she sees the triplets in my arms, perching beside me and using a baby voice to coo to them. My mother tentatively approaches, clearly nervous to get to close to me and the babies, only stepping closer when I beckon her.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asks, already knowing I won't let them go just yet.

"A bit sore but I'm okay. I need some sleep," I chuckle as one of the babies begin to whine, clearly getting upset.

"You have time to relax," my mother assures me. "Is there anything I can get you? Any of you?"

"I'm alright, but I'm sure they'll be getting hungry soon," I chuckles, starting to dread trying breastfeeding. "Celeste, could you get one of the nurses for me."

She nods, kissing my forehead before leaving me with my mother, who finally makes a move to closer admire the babies in my arms. She brushes a hand over one of their foreheads, feeling the few blonde hairs poking out in a small tuft on their head.

"Mama, I never got to ask if you ever had any problems with breastfeeding?"

"You shouldn't have to worry. I was able to feed you easily, I almost overfed you," she says as the babies begin shuffling. "You were cute as a chubby baby, though."

We giggle for a moment as Celeste returns with a nurse, the entire room in a cheerful mood that isn't even broken as the babies start crying and whining. Celeste takes one of them while my mother takes another leaving me with one of our two little girls.

The nurse tentatively opens the front of my hospital shirt, helping me position the baby in my arms so that her mouth is nearly at my nipple. Even as I try to get her to feed she doesn't, the nurse assuring me it's okay and normal for a baby to take some time before getting the hang of breastfeeding.

I can feel Celeste's nervous gaze as the nurse reaches for me, massaging my breasts which are still really sensitive and have been since the beginning of my pregnancy.

I can't help but wince a bit as she massages them, trying to get the milk flowing until the baby in my arms finally latches her lips around my nipple. A weird sensation comes from my breasts as she gently sucks, and I don't know if it's a good sensation or not.

Even though it feels weird, I can't stop myself from smiling. The nurse offers me one of the other babies, taking him from my mother's arms and handing him to me so that he can feed from my other nipple.

"In the future, it'll be better if you use a breast pump and feed one of them from a bottle," the nurse says, passing one to Celeste for us to take home when I'm discharged.

I take some deep breaths to get used to the weird sensation coming from my breasts as they peacefully feed. Celeste steps closer and sits on the edge of my bed, holding our other baby girl closer.

As the babies let go of my nipples, the nurse takes each of them from me, settling them in two hospital cribs while Celeste passes me our third baby so I can try and feed her, though she seems a lot more apprehensive than the other two.

After she finally feeds a little bit, she's placed in another crib beside the other two, the nurse leaving us alone as I get exhausted.

"You did wonderful, dear," my mother praises before bidding us goodbye, going home for the night, promising to visit us to help out when we get home.

Celeste snuggles up to me and closes the front of my shirt as I begin to doze off.

"She's right, you did brilliant, Nyoka," Celeste praises making my heart flutter. "Just rest, my queen. You did wonderful."

"What happened to 'princess'?" I ask, looking back at her , finding a wide smirk over her lips.

"You'll find out once we're home and we've settled in with the babies, my queen," she murmurs as she holds me tighter against her chest, rubbing my body as I get tired, finally relaxing since the babies are close by and I'm in Celeste's arms.

Everything feels great but I do wonder why Celeste is suddenly calling me her queen...

The next update may be the last one since these two should be fine and live happily, for the most part.

(They'd suffer enough with triplets)

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