good morning

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POV: Nyoka

I feel horrible.

I have a throbbing headache and I know I made Celeste really uncomfortable last night with the questions I asked and how clingy I was getting. I don't remember much from last night but I recall enough to feel humiliated.

I rub sleep from my eyes as I sit up in bed, under my breasts still quite sensitive and sore from my tattoo. Celeste is nowhere near me but I can hear her in the living room, the TV muttering away.

Wanting to give her some space and me some time to wake up and think about everything stupid I did last night. The guilt and embarrassment is tearing me up inside and making me feel sick.

I groan to myself, slamming myself back down on my bed, hiding my face under my second pillow. Why the hell did I make her talk about such personal things?

I'm glad I now know who she used to be but I shouldn't have asked about it. I also shouldn't have been so clingy when she wanted to leave me to rest after I'd accidentally shuffled closer to her while sleeping.

It's my fault that everything's going to be awkward between us now.

Every part of my body loses all energy whenever I think about getting out of bed and seeing her. I don't know what kind of damage I've done to our relationship but I hope she can forgive me for prying into her past.

I'm glad I know more about her now but I feel so dirty for how I got that information. I know I didn't technically force her to tell me but she certainly wasn't comfortable.

With a quick glance at my clock, I decide I should get out of bed rather than being lazy and procrastinating the inevitable. My legs swing out from under my covers and they just want to give up as my weight rests on them. They feel like lead as I shuffle out of my bedroom.

Celeste seems unfazed by last night as I shuffle into the living room, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from her. I just can't look her in her eyes as she brightly greets me, asking me if I slept well.

"Oh, come on," Celeste chuckles, shuffling closer to me. "What's wrong? Is your tattoo sore or is it just a hangover?"

I shake my head. I do still have a bit of a headache from drinking so much last night but that's not my main problem. I'm just worried about what else I did to her while I was drunk.

Celeste moves even closer to me, resting her hand cautiously on my thigh and her hand cups my face, turning my head to look her in her eyes which are swirling with some emotions I can't distinguish.

"Come on, why won't you look at me?" She softly questions. "What do you remember of last night?"

Even though her voice is tender and calm I can't help but begin to panic a little at her question. She clearly remembers everything from last night while my mind is incredibly foggy whenever I try to recall something.

"Not much," I admit with a grumble. "I remember getting a bit drunk and you telling me that you knew me before now but everything kind of blacks out after that."

"So you don't remember what you did or said?" Celeste asks, trying to clarify everything for herself.

She quickly apologises as tears begin welling in my eyes as the stress overwhelms me, still a little emotional from the alcohol. I'm getting scared. What did I do that is making her feel the need to clarify so much?

I brush away her hands as she tries to reach out and wipe away my tears. I can't believe I'm crying in front of her again and this time it's for no clear reason.

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