anxious rage

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POV: Nyoka

[A few hours later]

I've been sat at home, bored out of my mind as I wait for Celeste, for hours now.

There's nothing on TV. There's nothing on my phone. And for the first time in ages there’s no random trains of thought for me to follow.

I lay on my couch just staring at the ceiling. Celeste texted me that she'd be back with me about half an hour ago but she still isn't back. I know the traffic jams are bad but I want my new girlfriend to be with me.

I whine to myself as I impatiently wait, jumping to my feet as the door to my apartment opens and the voice I've longed to hear since this morning calls out for me.

I leap into Celeste’s arms before she even has a chance to shut the door and put down all her things. She laughs as her arms wrap around my waist, spinning me around as she lifts my off the floor.

"It's only been a couple of hours since we last saw each other, did you seriously come to miss me this much?" She chuckles as she places me back down on the floor, letting me go to put her keys and phone down.

"Trust me, it feels like forever when I have nothing to do," I explain, taking her hair out of the neat man bun she put it into, letting her beautiful hair flow down her back. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you to," Celeste chuckles.

She scoops me into her arms, her hands holding me up from underneath my thighs as she carries me into the kitchen, settling me down so that I'm sitting on the counter. She massages my thighs a little as she kisses me, running her fingers through my hair before she pulls away, a delicious smirk over her lips.

She leaves me sitting on the counter as she opens the fridge, her eyes widening at all the food inside. She looks at me, a wide smile over her lips like she's a proud mother.

"What is it, Celeste?" I ask, playfully swinging my legs.

I know exactly why she looks so proud. There's usually never any food in my apartment but she shouldn't look quite so proud. I didn't go out to get it, I got it delivered instead.

"You know you shouldn't look quite so happy. All I did was get some food delivered," I tell her but her smile doesn't drop.

"That doesn't matter. You still managed to get food by yourself rather than starving. I don’t care if you got it yourself or had it delivered. It's still progress," she praises making my chest fill with pride.

Celeste knows about some of my eating problems in the past and its lingering effects on me and my life. She doesn’t complain at me for only eating takeout and fast food but she always praises me for cooking my own meals.

My mood drops a little as I consider telling her about the humiliating conversation I had with one of my neighbours when I went to pick up all the groceries from the main door to the building.

Celeste’s brows furrow as my smile drops, her hand caressing my cheek making me nestle into her soft touch. I lean into her touch and take a deep breath before deciding to relive that recent trauma to tell her.

"You know how earlier we fucked on my floor and you said to not worry  about being quiet? And to not worry about my neighbours hearing?" I ask and Celeste instantly makes the face of regret and sympathy.


"Well, when I got the groceries, my neighbours below me came up to me and asked if I had fun with the 'barely attractive woman' and to warn them in the future if we're going to be that loud again."

It's horrible just remembering what they said, let alone telling Celeste about it. They must have seen Celeste leaving my apartment after all our noise but they didn't need to refer to her as a 'barely attractive woman'.

Celeste is very sensitive about that kind of thing and I can see the pain in her eyes as I tell her. I said it nicely, they said it with so much spite and disgust that it made me shiver.

"Yeah, they weren't very polite about it, so I was thinking, perhaps the next time we want to have sex we go to your place instead?" I suggest, Celeste nodding, struggling to lift her mood.

I bring her into a comforting kiss, pulling her into a loving hug once our lips part, trying my best to lift her mood to the cheerful Celeste I had just a moment ago. She softly kisses me back, a little more tentative than usual.

"I don't want to bring the mood down anymore but there is one concern I have that I need to ask you about," I tell her, peaking her curiosity.

Her eyes urge me to speak as I question if I should. Its a weird question to ask but I need to know.

"Celeste, I was just wondering if there's any chance I need to take a pregnancy test?" I ask, playing with my fingers.

Celeste takes a moment before grabbing my hands to stop me, looking deep into my eyes, seeing the concern and anxiety inside me.

I know earlier Celeste came in me and since we didn't have any protection I'm I'm little concerned that she may have gotten me pregnant. While I'm not against having a child with her, it does feel a little too soon in my life to become a mother. I don’t know if she's fertile enough to get me pregnant. I don't fully know the mechanics of her biology. She might be able to.

Celeste thinks for a moment before nodding sending a small wave of panic through me.

"I'm almost certain you're not, but just in case," Celeste says, trying to calm me down but isn't working.

"Why the hell would you fuck me without taking that into consideration?" I yell at her, my fear turning into anger.

"We were both desperate. It just slipped my mind I guess," Celeste tries to justify but it just infuriates me more.

"Celeste, it's your responsibility to remember those kinds of things, not mine!" I basically scream at her, struggling to calm myself down. I want to stop this from escalating but my anger is refusing to die down. "You know what, just get out of my sight right now. I just need a minute to calm down."

Celeste doesn't refute, quickly shuffling out of the kitchen to give me some time to calm down. I know I shouldn't have yelled at her like that and I know she probably feels horrible now but I'm just too overwhelmed to care right now. I'll apologise later.

I slip off the counter and splash my face with cold water from the kitchen tap in an attempt to cool my rage.

What if she really has gotten me pregnant?

What the fuck will I do then?

And another update!
I'm on a roll today with writing and my motivation.

Do you guys think Nyoka's pregnant or not?

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