bedtime story

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POV: Celeste

I'm so uncomfortable.

I've been trying to get some sleep for hours but Nyoka hasn't been helping.

While she did start off on the furthest edge of the bed from me, the longer she's been asleep the closer she's shuffled to me. Now her arm is wrapped around me, hugging me close to her as she snuggles into me, humming to herself as she savours my warmth.

I can tell she's in a comfortable deep sleep so I don't want to risk waking her up but this is getting difficult for me to tolerate. It's especially difficult as her hand rests over my breast, her fingers accidentally grazing over them making my nipples harden.

She barely stirs as I shuffle in her arms, ungracefully sliding onto the floor and sitting beside her bed as she grumbles and turns over, her back to me.

Everytime she moves or twists her torso to much or lays on her front she whimpers a little, her tattoo still sensitive.

I rub her back to soothe her and comfort her as she starts struggling to stay asleep. She grumbles and moans quietly to herself as she tosses and turns, my attempts at comforting her doing nothing.

With a sigh, I get up from the floor, trying my best to be quiet as I try to leave her room to perhaps watch some TV until I can sleep or until Nyoka wakes up in the morning. Despite me being as quiet as humanly possible, Nyoka still stirs, reaching out feebly for my hand, still partly asleep.

"Where are you going?" She grumbles.

"Nyoka, please get some rest," I insist, grabbing her hand and laying it back by her side. "Why are you awake?"

"I was uncomfortable," she mumbles, rubbing her eyes as she ignores my attempts to keep her laid down in bed.

I know it's her tattoo causing her so much discomfort but there isn't anything I can do about it other than sit with her and maybe give her some painkillers.

Nyoka whines and acts pathetic as she sits up, crossing her legs under her sheets. Now that she's awake I don't really want to leave her alone and I know she's struggling to get comfortable but with how close she's been all night to me and our last conversation I don't want to be too close.

Getting impatient with me, Nyoka pats on her bed, signalling for me to sit down like I'm an animal or her pet. I can't help but groan subtly to myself as I perch on the side of her bed.

Nyoka gently tugs on my sleeve, forcing me to shuffle closer as her voice is too quiet for me to hear clearly.

"My head hurts," she utters, her bottom lip beginning to pout.

"It's probably some of the alcohol you had earlier," I chuckle, freezing up a little as she leans forward, her head resting against my arm.

After a moment I pet her head, smoothing down her hair that's scruffy from sleeping. She hums in content as I give her attention, quietly petting her until she's ready to go back to sleep.

Even though I spend a few minutes calmly patting her head she still refuses to lay down and even try to sleep. Whenever I try to lay her down, she just grumbles and holds on tightly to my shoulders.

She ends up hugging me tightly as I think of anyway of getting her to calm down, my eyes catching sight of just the thing that might work on her bedside cabinet.

"Nyoka," I ask in her ear, rubbing her back to get her attention. She gives a weak hum to show me she's listening though I don't think she's actually paying me much attention.

"Nyoka, do you want me to read you a story to help you sleep?" I ask as delicately as I can.

"Shhh..." Nyoka sleepily shushes me, pressing her finger to my lips. "You're talking too loud. Making my headache worse."

I apologise, repeating my question and Nyoka nods, finally laying down and settling under her covers as I take the fairytale book I gifted her a few months back off her bedside table.

I flick through the pages, eventually landing on one of Nyoka's favourite tales. As soon as I begin reading it Nyoka closes her eyes, happy to just listen to me as I whisper her the words, making sure to not make her headache worse.

As I read I add in voices which make Nyoka chuckle, softly tapping my knee since she's too tired to properly slap me. She listens peacefully, slowly drifting back into sleep, softly snoring as she finally goes back to sleep.

Even though I know she's unconscious now I keep reading until the end of the story, starting to understand why Nyoka loves this story.

It's a sweet story about a princess and a commoner falling in love despite all their differences and the settings and illustrations are beautiful. The drawings were one of the reasons I got this edition for her.

Once I've finished reading and admiring the book, I position it back on her bedside cabinet before brushing away all the hair covering her face.

Nyoka's hand suddenly grabs my hand and she snuggles into it, planting a small kiss on the back of my palm.

"I love you so much..." She utters, clearly not awake but her words make my heart skip a few beats, part of me hoping that she is awake and means what she says.

For all I know she's dreaming about someone else. For all I know she could be dreaming about her favourite food.

I brush the thought aside and slip my hand out of her grip, wanting to leave her alone to rest. Just as my weight leaves her bed and I'm about to close the door she mutters something under her breath that makes my heart seize and my breath hitch.


Sorry for such a long wait for this update. Personal life things getting in the way.

I hope you enjoyed this part and will continue to enjoy the rest of this story!

Also thank you all so much for 20k views on 'She's My Curse', it means so fucking much to me.
And thanks for all the support, and patience with my non-existent update schedule!

See you in the next part! ;D

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