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POV: Celeste

Why are they being so obsessive?

I know Nyoka's mother and old friends are determined to get her back to her ex but this is ridiculous. They're messaging her none stop.

I had to put her phone on silent while we were sleeping so that it didn't disturb us but now that I've woken up before Nyoka, I can't help but be nosy to everything they've sent her. One message in particular has caught my attention from an unknown number.

Nyoka, don't ignore me or your mother. You know you can't avoid me.
I will find you.

The message sends shivers down even my spine as I read it again. I'm not even the one being threatened but I know that if he says he's going to find her, he will.

I don't remember much of him except rumors from when we were in school and what little Nyoka's told me. From all of that I know that he's determined and won't back down easily.

I feel horrible knowing that Nyoka had to deal with him on her own. And if her mother is coming to see her then we're both going to have to homophobic comments alongside him and I dread that. My parents weren't particularly supportive at first when I changed from Carlos to Celeste but they were still better than Nyoka's parents.

"Why are you looking through my phone?" Nyoka grumbles, rubbing her eyes if sleep as she sits up beside me.

"Sorry, I'm shouldn't have. I know," I insist, passing her the phone as she tiredly tries to take it.

"They'll be here in a day or two," she says depressingly. "So we have some time to think of what to do before they get here. So, what should we do?"

"I don't know. I really don't."

[Four days later]

POV: Nyoka

Celeste and I never really did manage to come up with a certain plan but we agreed to be extra careful whenever we go out by ourselves. Celeste also agreed to let me stay at her place until we know for sure where they are since they're likely to go and harass me if I'm at my place.

Today Celeste had to go to work while I had to run some errands so she agreed to drop me off in town and let me walk around on my own, especially since she's nearby and there's always quite a few kind people around that would be willing to help if I need it.

All I needed was to get a copy of Celeste's key so that I can get into her place by myself, even though it would take a lot to get back to her home without her driving me. I have it tucked away in my pocket after hours of waiting for it to be done.

I plan to go back to Celeste's shop after getting some food for us both to enjoy. She only has paperwork today so we can sit and enjoy some takeaway together. The only thing is that the route is a bit sketchy at the best of times but I really don't want to walk around the long way.

As I walk up to it there doesn't seem to be many people around which does make me a little anxious but I still don't decide against it. My anxiety has been high all day as I've been feeling like there's eyes staring through the back of my head though I've tried not to think too much about it.

It's only a short alley. It shouldn't be too dangerous.

I take a deep breath before walking quicker to get through the alley, as I always do. It's quite thin but is just enough for two people to squeeze through if they cling to the disgusting, graffitied walls.

It smells horrible so I try to hold my breath but it doesn't work, mostly because I'm suddenly slammed against one of the walls, my back instantly hurting as I get roughly winded. An arm pins me against it, suffocating me slowly as I gasp for the air that got slammed out of me.

My eyes open and my heart sinks as I see the figure half cloaked in shadow before me. Before I can comprehend fully who it is, his lips are smashed against mine and one of his hands slithers up my body, slipping under my shirt until his disgusting and rough fingers are caressing my under boob.

With my free hands I hit against his chest as I feel mine and my throat getting tighter, my heart pounding uncontrollably inside me. I hate this. It's just like what he used to do to me.

His lips roughly move against mine, refusing to let me breathe as his hands wander me making my skin crawl and shiver. He ignores my hands as I try to push him away, hitting is chest with all my strength. In response he just presses his body against mine to keep me still.

His lips leave mine but his face remains close so that I can still feel his rancid breath that smells of drugs and unbrushed teeth. I try to twist my head away but his hand just grabs my chin, twisting my face back to look into his cold, hard eyes.

"What is it, baby girl? Don't you enjoy your boyfriend touching your body?" He hisses in my ear, his dry lips brushing against my skin as I wince away from him.

I shake my head, desperate to get away from him and hoping that someone will come along and help me get away from this creep.

"Oh, come on. You barely complained before you got me chucked in prison. What, are you too good for me now?" He asks slyly. "I want you to come back to your apartment tonight so that we can...relive the last night we had together before I had to leave."

"I don't want to..." I mutter, shrinking back against the wall.

"Baby girl, you don't have a choice. I'll see you tonight. Prepare yourself," he whispers, leaning in closer to my ear. "You're not going to get able to walk for weeks once I'm done with you."

Finally, some drama has started!
Hopefully this will get more interesting from here.

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