strong medication

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POV: Celeste

I can't help but chuckle as Nyoka tries to sing along to music on the radio in my car, not really knowing the words.

She's still confused and delirious from her midday nap that she hasn't fully recovered from. Her behaviour definitely hasn't been helped by the strong prescription painkillers I got for her from the pharmacy before starting to drive her home.

She giggles and sways in her seat, struggling to keep balanced as my car turns corners a little too sharply as if she were on a rollercoaster. I'm driving slower than I usually would but she's still swaying and flailing her limbs everywhere, almost hitting me. I gently hold her wrist as she almost smacks me in the face, lowering it and holding it in her lap as I try to drive her home without crashing.

She's acting as though she's drunk but she's only had some medication. I can't help but wonder if she has to do this every month.

Still a bit tipsy from her strong medication, I help her out of my car as I park outside her apartment building, looping one arm under her arms to hold her up as she stumbles up to the building door, fiddling inside her bag that's looped over my shoulder.

As gently as I can, I move her hand out of her bag, finding her keys and unlocking the door for her. To my dismay there's no elevator in her building so I have to help her up the stairs. She refuses to let me pick her up and carry her up so we take an extra five minutes to get up to the floor her apartment is on and get in.

Nyoka slips from my grasp as I turn to close the door behind us, suddenly beginning to strip herself as she forgets about my presence, dumping her clothes on the floor as she stumbles into her bathroom, turning on the shower, forgetting to close the door behind her as I stand clueless at the door, feeling disgusting for seeing her bare skin without her verbal consent.

I know I've had so many disgusting and wet dreams about her but I never thought I'd actually see her body like this. My mind struggles to get rid of the sight of her slim waist and thick thighs that are usually covered by her baggy clothes. Her skin looks so soft and I want to feel it all but the longer my mind clings to the image of her naked body a sudden thought washes over me.

I could have sworn I saw something that looked like a tattoo on her side wrapping around from her chest. Nyoka doesn't seem like the kind of person to have a tattoo and I never even considered that she might have one, especially not one in a place that would probably require her to have no shirt or bra on while its being done.

Part of me gets oddly turned on at the thought of her laying on my tattoo table as I do my careful work on her skin, leaving my permanent mark on her pale body but a deeper part of me gets unreasonably angry at the thought of someone else seeing so much of her body that she insists on keeping covered. Then again, the tattoo's lines weren't harsh and clean, they looked slightly greyed out and like they'd already been there for years.

Perhaps it was done ages ago before she became so reserved. From my memory she was never as quiet as she is now the last time I saw her but that was a long time ago and from what I've gathered she is in a much different place than she was back then.

There's no reason for me to be getting so fixated on this. It's just a tattoo.

A tattoo that was done by someone else that would have seen a lot of Nyoka's soft and pure body and her round breasts-

"Stop it!" I yell outloud at myself as my thoughts drift to anger again.

I take a deep breath and decide to look around her apartment and settle in her living room instead, flicking the TV on for something to do while Nyoka showers. I ignore my growling stomach as I watch some boring TV game show that I don't care about but after a while it becomes difficult to ignore.

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