Chapter 1

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In a world where past and present collided, the woman found herself caught in a web of time, her every step echoing with the whispers of the past. The air smelled of ancient secrets, and the weight of history hung heavy in the atmosphere.

The man, a stalwart guardian of his people, bore the burden of his duty with unwavering resolve. The sound of his footsteps echoed with determination, his heart fueled by the deep connection he felt to his land and its inhabitants.

As their paths converged, an undeniable bond formed between them, transcending the boundaries of time and duty. They saw in each other a kindred spirit, a shared longing for something more, something beyond the constraints that bound them.

For her, the woman was willing to sacrifice the comfort of her own era, willingly plunging into the unknown depths of the past. She yearned to understand the man's world, to fight alongside him, and to rewrite the course of history, if only to ensure his people's survival.

For him, the man was willing to sacrifice his own safety, forsaking the solitude of his duty. He saw in the woman a beacon of hope, a chance to break free from the cycle of protection and embrace a future where his people could thrive. He was prepared to risk everything for her, even if it meant challenging the very fabric of time itself.

Together, they embarked on a journey of sacrifice and determination, their unwavering devotion to each other driving them forward. As they faced the challenges and perils that awaited them, their love grew stronger, transcending the boundaries of time and duty.

In their union, they found solace and purpose, their willingness to sacrifice for one another a testament to the power of love and the strength of the human spirit.

Chapter 1 : The Old Tomb

"Where do broken hearts go?
Can they find their way home
Back to the open arms
Of a love that's waiting there?
And if somebody loves you
Won't they always love you?
I look in your eyes,
And I know that you still care..."

Aislin Aw-len found herself giggling uncontrollably as her officemates merrily sang along, their laughter and offbeat melodies creating a lighthearted ambiance.

It is the middle of July summer, and they embark on their journey to Sagada, Mountain Province. Their local tour guide slash driver set the mood by playing some music. In a surprising twist, he deviated from their usual country music and played a Whitney Houston song.

"I guess this song is the Pambansang Awit when you go to Sagada." Aislin thought, shaking her head.

They took a brief detour and made a stop at Am-am Madalipey View Deck to enjoy the beautiful sights. As soon as they are done registering their names and paid their fees, they wasted no time and swiftly made their way to the viewing deck, driven by their desire to find the perfect Instagrammable view for their pictures.

The place truly is a sight to behold, offering a serene and tranquil atmosphere. As you breathe in the crisp air, you will be mesmerized by the panoramic 360 degree view that encompasses the mountain ranges of the eastern part of Ilocos, the rolling hills and majestic mountains of the different municipalities of Mountain Province, the grandeur of the Abra River, and the flourishing vegetable gardens that encircle the area.

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