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Gore, violence and mentions of blood

"I need to go!"Sakura so much as mumbled before she took off, the two ua students not even able to comprehend how fast she went from full on whimpering sobbing to her usual attitude.

"Phoenix sensei, you're not healed yet!" Iida yelled, his voice not even reaching sakura's ears. Sakura flew, her giant wings sprouting out again as she rushed towards the airship.

"YOU BITCH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!"Sakura pointed her finger at hakamada who frowned at her words,"one foul mouth you have, Phoenix"

"You're the mannerless bitch here, you bitch!"

"You're the bitch!You didn't even call me!"

"OHHHH YEAH! I didn't call you, i texted and called your kidnapped ass millions times bfeore i finally came to find out you were kidnapped by touya here!"

"Dabi....you were the who kidnapped best jeanist?"midoroya asked looking athe villian who was down on the ground with them, already abandonig his teammates.

"Touya...but yes i had to so that shigaraki didn't suspect me, hawks had informed him though, at least i told him to.."touya trailed off shrugging his shoulders turning away walking towards bakugo who was laying on the ground with iida beside his side.

Bakugo growled at him lightly, whatever be the reason dabi was still the one had traumatized him the most. "Bakugo I apologize for whatever I have done...you know...I understand a sorry isn't enough for what I i did but yes I'll repent for it"

Bakugo looked down,"whatever, save it for later, you better repent nicely, you burnt stick figure!"

"B-burnt stick figure! I'll let you know I'm quite handsome!"

Sakura looked down in exasperation a the two violent duo who argued back and forth while endeavour was still in shock watching his eldest son alive. Jeanist had his ropes wrapped around all the villians and machia separately.

"You traitor!"Spinner yelled looking at the white haired villian with a glare on his face as touya looked back,"Sorry spinner, but this was my life before, it will be now, maybe"

"It will be"

Touya turned to the black haired ua teacher in shock who held touya's shoulders firmly his gaze flickering. Touya nodded wordlessly looking at the eraser hero. He didn't know it'll be this easy for them to accept him, not after what he did.

"Shigaraki...."spinner cursed under his breath looking at the now awake villian who mutterd in his hoarse voice. "Destroy....machia."

Gigantomachia's big eyes glinted brightly alerting sakura as she whipped her head at the right time managing to dodge the swat he sent her way."Do i look like a fly to him!"sakura screeched her big wings even bigger than machia's whole head.

Machia roared loudly, the ropes around him beginning to loosen or break. Jeanist's eyes widened as he watched machia break the strongest ropes. He kept roaring and growling trying to get up. He wrapped his ropes around his neck again as machia kept jerking his face away trying to avoid the ropes.

Sakura whipped her head towards jeanist watching a nomu fly right behind him ready to attack him when she yelled,"COME FORTH RYUJIN! SUZAKU!"

The nomus and machia roared loudly as bright light shine across the sky, anyone could barely open their eyes as they watched two big ball of light flying out of the dragon hero, one white and the other bright red as they got bigger and exploded in the air.

The nomu attacking jeanist was punched by Mirio as he came through the ground flyimg underneath the creature striking the body as it flew away. The explosion releasing Machia from its grip as everyone watched in horror, the giant monster ready to attack.

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