
134 10 6

Gore, violence and mentions of blood

"Todoroki Touya!"

The male smiled looking up at the flying hero as she buzzed above him,"This wasn't the part of the plan Touya!"

"It wasn't the part of the plan you know Sakura"he raised his eyebrows at her making her scowl at him. "stop it"

"Stop what?"

"Enji I understand, but don't hurt Shoto like this, Touya"

Dabi smirked,"I'm just here for a little revelation, not to hurt my brother, flower- Sakura!" Dabi screamed as machia smacked his large hand at the redhead throwing her against a crumbled building as she was smashed down on the ground next.

She let out a cough, her vision blurring as she shook her head, she felt a drop of something down her nose and onto her nose, watching few more drops of blood falling onto her open palm, she hissed wiping away the blood on her hands.

Sakura tried standing back up but fell back again, gasping and grunting. All while she looked at the little reunion happening in front of her few meteres away. She knew Dabi, no Touya didn't want to hurt his brother, after all it was never his fault Endeavour favoured Shoto over Touya.

But this will hurt Shoto, no matter what.

She felt black spots covering her sight as she smacked herself, inhaling and tried standing back up as she finally got up on her knees, breathing heavily. Her wounds weren't healing anymore as she felt more blood rush down her head. She looked down at herself, watching blood trail down her arms as well.

The torn areas of her hero costume had caused her body getting millions of scrapes after machia swatted her like a damn fly. She clutched the area where Shigaraki had grabbed her.

Despite her dragons healing her wounds they couldn't heal some of them all the way which lead to Sakura having millions of scars on her body but one of them was invisible all hidden behind her costume.

Japan sure leaves scars on me everytime I'm here. She hissed when she felt her eyes burn, now completely ignoring the furious and angry yells of the Todorokis, she raised her hand touching her right eye, grimacing again.

What is that, what happened to my eyes?

Sakura could still see from her right eye, but she didn't understand her pain, she kept touching her skin lighty hoping not to injure herself further when she felt a tug on her skin as she felt an unimaginable pain making her gasp loudly.

"fuck no..no.."she whimeperd touching her eye again as she brought her hand back down looking at the red fluid coating her fingers completely. "When did he touch me...no..please"

Shigaraki had managed to give Sakura her first visible scar, that too on her face. The pain wasn't going away that means the regenartion hasn't worked yet. That means the dragons are upto something again.

"Ryu..zaku please...please"Sakura sobbed, her head hanging low as she let out low whimpers calling put to them, hoping for even one of them to respond. "Phoenix!"

Sakura didn't raise her head even when she felt hands on her back rubbing them. She could here iida and a girl's voice near her ears, but they were fleeting noises, she couldn't focus on anything except the scar and the pain she was feeling.

"My little baby....know one thing ok, mommy loves absolutely everything about you, everything but the one thing I love the most about is..."


Hime Hanako chuckled rubbing little sakura's head who smiled bightly at her. "That I do, my babygirl, but I love your face the most"Hanako pinched Sakura's cheeks as she tilted her small chubby face to the side in confusion.

"My face..."

"Yes darling, you wanna know why?"Hanako asked looking at her daughter with bright eyes as she nodded almost immeidtaly grabbing onto her mother's neck jumping on her lap and Hanako grabbed her with a laugh.

She faced the garden with a little Sakura in her lap looking out towards where her husband was working with the gardener, planting cherry blossom plants.

"Because you look exactly like your father"Hanako smiled looking at her husband who looked back at her and winked making her shake her head as she looked down at her daughter who looked up at her curiously.

"Like daddy..."

"Yes like dad, I love your father so much, he's the first person I've loved so much, and he gave me, you and you look exactly like him. He was my first thought as I woke up in the morning and last as I went to sleep, I'm so grateful to him that he gave me, you Sakura"Hanako spoke softly kissing her daughter's forhead.

Sakura leaned up, wiping her mother's tears,"No tears mommy, i love you too and daddy too, so much!"Sakura stretched her arms out wide grinning at her. "Hmmm, how much?"Hanako asked the little girl teasingly.

"Thiisss much"Sakura dragged the syllable extending her arms as wide as she could making Hanako gasp,"That's alot my baby, mommy and daddy loves you so much too"Hanako grabbed Sakura face kissing her all over it making the three year old giggle loudly.


Sakura sobbed loudly as Iida and Nejire rubbed her back, they didn't know what had happene to the hero, they just saw how she flew towards the villian speaking to him and apparently she knew Dabi which had shocked everyone but also shocked that the villian spoke so softly to her.

The next seconds you knew Gigantomachia smacked Sakura away as if it meant nothing as she crashed against a big building tumbling down it as the building fell on her too.

Iida looked at the arguing Todoroki trio, he wasn't exactly worried for his friend because it was clear Dabi meant no hositility towards the two toned boy but only the flame hero but still spoke to him loud and clear and not attacking him even once.

Shocker for everyone.

Sakura's shoulders shook as she kept gasping for air, choking on her own tears as she let all the pent up anger, distress everything piling up on her out at once. Aizawa could see the hero from where he was but he was too far and too injured to go to his daughter.

"M-mom...I'm sorry....I'm so -sorry"she wailed out, holding her fist against her chest, still sobbing. "I'm so sorry....."

A huge gust of wind flew everyone back slightly as Sakura looked up, her tears and snot still visible all over her face as she looked at the giant aircraft hovering above Machia. She felt a cloth wiping her face slowly and gently.

"Thanks...Nejire, I hope I said that right"sakura let out in her teary voice not even turning towards the student who was at the verge of fainting after her idol talked to her and called out her hero name.

"Y-yes ma'am, I mean no pro-problem!"

She watched as the once missing hero emerged grom the aircraft, his hands glidng against his hair, putting them in place.

"That bitch..."Sakura mumbled looking above at Best Jeanist as he yelled something out, long huge ropes wrapping themselves around Gigantomachia forcing him down on his knees.

⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰

Long time no see ik ik

I'm back home for holidays so I'll try my best to update

Stay safe and healthy guys!

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