
242 11 4

Violence and mention of blood

It's said, what they don't know won't hurt them, how ironic.

Garaki was a scientist, a doctor, he was smart, if the heroes were asking about Phoenix that means they don't know that she had ran away, that might mean she might've not contacted them or maybe she even diedon her way to them, there were many possibilities.

What they didn't know won't hurt, Garaki knew whatever he said now they will believe him, what they knew will hurt them.

Silence engulfed the corridors of the hospital as the pro heroes watched the doctor with absolute emotionless faces.

"We would know if she died"Tsukauchi said folding his arms making the doctor look up at him.

"What, how?"the old man muttered, his eyes widening making the heroes standing in front of him smirk.

"That, you don't need to know, doc"Present Mic said grinning, leaning down again,"Just know, your fate is in our hands now"

Back at the hero commission headquarters all the officials had gathered for the mission supervision.

"Endeavour team has entered the Jaku General Hospital, Eraserhead erased Garaki's quirk and has him arrested."

"Around 97% of the patients have been evacuated."

"Edgeshot team is approaching the Gunga Mountain Villa,no enemy movement or resistance has been detected."

"Mirko has entered the secret passage from the morgue of Jaku General."

The informants kept giving the information coming through to them.

"Let Mirko check on Phoenix first hand, she's crucial for the mission"The assistant commissioner said making the informants look at him in shock.

At the Jaku General Mirko busted through the doors off the lab Garaki used in his hospital.

"Have mercy on me, please"Garaki begged, his eyes going red with tears. "Endeavour"Mirko smirked holding the earpiece.

"Have mercy..."Garaki muttered as hundreds of nomus ran towards Mirko. "They are on the move!"

"What?"Endeavour asked just as the ground collapsed as a huge drill like machine came from under it. Nomus flooding inside it.

"You can't erase the things created by Twice's Double. That is handy discovery. If you knew we could multiply, you should have been more cautious,wait that's beyond your league."Garaki said, as his body melted away forming to mud. He had been using Twice's quirk.

The drill handed Nomu screeched, his hand extending towards the hero as Endeavour got in the way, his flame burning the Nomu in the face. The ground kept on breaking as numerous creatures came out from it.

Inside the laboratory the real Garaki stood infront of the giant tube Shigaraki was in. "I was so obsessed with my masterpiece I couldn't have taken my eyes off of him,they had no idea I leave my other works to the clones created by Twice."Garaki muttered under his breath making a run towards the tunnel.

"But still, the heroes keep getting on my nerves, I'm not just going to abandon the hospital. Do they even have any idea how long it takes to copy and activate a quirk, Phoenix already ran away, I'm having a shortage of her blood samples for my masterpiece.Do they know how much it takes to have a reserve of so many quirks? "Garaki left his moving chair, running towards the samples.

Mirko body slammed the Nomu coming towards her, her strong legs kicking the Nomu down as she jumped back up towards the other,she whirled through the tunnel kicking and knocking down Nomu one by one.

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