They're more concerned with making their voices heard than allowing me to get a fucking word in edgewise...and I'd had just about enough of it. So it was taking every single ounce of my self-restraint not to dish out exactly what Bobby was serving me right now.

"Bodies are bodies, Y/N." Bobby continued, the volume in his voice staying steady. "The boys are lucky if they get sixty-three hunts wrapped up in a full year...and the two of them have been doin' this since before you were old enough to be in the fuckin' Girl Scouts! At what point did you think that this wouldn't draw attention to yourself!?"

"I didn't think-"

"You're goddamn right ya didn't!" he cut me off. "Honestly, of all the stupid, naive, suicidal things you possibly could have done..." 

"I get it Bobby. That's enough." I hissed as calmly as I could.

"No, I don't think it is!!" he kept going, ripping his hat off his head to run a frustrated hand over his hair before replacing it. "I mean, if one of the major leaguers didn't get to ya, the fucking FBI may very well be on your tail now! The real FBI! What in the world were you thinking!?"

"I was thinking I was doing the right fucking thing." I stated. "I was thinking I was helping, and also helping myself to-"

"To what?? Kill yourself faster!?" he cut me off again. "Paint yourself up like a giant neon sign, telling Lucifer where our biggest weakness is? Speed up the apocalypse?"

"Stop." I muttered beneath my breath, closing my eyes and trying to take a few deep, calming breaths.

"If you got hurt, how in the holy hell were we supposed to find ya? You got burner phones, fake aliases, been motel hoppin' even had Cas make you angel-radar proof so he couldn't even find ya...what the hell gives, idjit!?"

"Okay, then maybe you would like to explain to me what the fuck it is exactly that the rest of you do that makes you so much better!?" I finally blurted, my anger quickly boiling to the point it was unbearable. 

He raised his brows at me as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Anger fully running through me now, I turned and marched toward one of the shelves against the wall, my entire body quaking with emotion.

I gripped onto one of the boxes on the shelf and ripped the top of it open, before dumping the contents all over the floor in the middle of the room. The box was full of all their old fake badges, driver's licenses and credit cards that were no longer in use. Fake FBI badges, fake Game and Wildlife badges, fake CDC badges...fake Visas, Mastercards and American Express cards...every disguise they've ever used, I organized them all into this box. 

The three of them stared at me with widened eyes as I emptied the contents, and then threw the box angrily down onto the ground.

Bobby parted his lips as if to keep yelling at me, but before he could...I grabbed another box off the shelf.

This time, when I dumped the contents out into the massive pile...they were phones. Old burners and Blackberries and flip phones that were no longer in service...all of them labeled with masking tape on the back, so they would know exactly which ruse they had to play into depending on which phone rang. 

After that box was empty, I chucked it to the ground forcefully as well, before finally looking Bobby square in the eyes as my chest heaved.

All of them just stared at me, completely speechless.

"No, please, go on! Don't let me stop you!" I laughed humorlessly. "Keep telling me how I'm a fucking idiot for using aliases, and burners, and motels to stay off the radar while hunting demons. While you're at it...why don't you tell me what all this shit is?" I pointed my index finger harshly towards the massive mess I'd just made on the floor. "Oh, and maybe you could also tell me which one of you doesn't have Enochian warding on your ribcage?"

Heaven's So Far Away - A Sam Winchester X Female Reader FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora