chapter 22

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Roxy hit the ground and looked at her stomach to see what had pierced her.
Loonatics: Roxy! Ace held Roxy in his arms as she was hurting and pulled out the piece of metal that was in her stomach, Tech put pressure on the wound and hoped Roxy would be alright.
Tech: where did this piece of metal come from?
Mastermind: from me i was aiming for you Tech but it seems your leader was in my way, and now your precious wolf is going to die.
Tech: NO! no Roxy you can't die we have to get her to a hospital!
Rev: i can get her there faster just hold on Roxy. Rev picked up Roxy bridal style as she held onto Rev and he ran towards the hospital so he could help his friend.
Tech: you've crossed the line Mastermind and now your going down! they all fought Mastermind and Rev came back in time to help out the team.
Ace: how's Roxy?
Rev: i got her to the hospital in time and she's in surgery now there was a bit of metal deep inside her, but i promise Roxy is going to be alright.
Tech: thanks Rev but i'm going to see Roxy and hopefully she's out of surgery.

*at the hospital*

Tech walked in and the Doctor walked over to Tech and told him the bad news about Roxy.
Dr. Irwin: unfortunatly Roxy won't be able to return to being a hero anytime soon she's in a coma.
Tech: when will she wake up?
Dr. Irwin: that we don't know but we will let you know when she does you can go see her. Tech followed Doctor Irwin to Roxy's room and saw Roxy just laying in bed unconsicious with a breathing mask on her face, Tech walked over and held Roxy's hand as he saw she was still wearing her wedding ring as it shined in the light.
Tech: i never thought she'd still wear her ring at least i keep mine on too with a chain under my suit. i hope you wake up Roxy but i have to go and i promise to come and visit tomorrow.

*at HQ*

Amaya: Daddy! Amaya ran to Tech and he picked her up then hugged his little girl close.
Ace: so what's the news on Roxy?
Tech: she's in a coma and the doctors doesn't know when she'll wake up.
Amaya: Daddy will Mommy be alright?
Tech: that i don't know sweetheart but if i know your Mother she's going to fight and come home to us. Amaya nodded and leaned her head on Tech's shoulder and he walked over to the couch as he sat down with Amaya in his arms.
Lexi: hey Amaya why don't we go make some treats i know that always tends to cheer you up, just like with your great Abuelita.
Amaya: okay Aunt Lexi. Lexi took Amaya's hand and they walked into the kitchen while the guys were all talking.
Duck: i hope Roxy will be alright she's a big part of the team we're practically a family.
Rev: Duck's right and i hate to admit it.
Slam: yea.
Ace: look guys we can only hope that Roxy will wake up but for now don't loose faith, and Amaya would be upset if she lost Roxy.
Tech: not only her me as well Roxy's my wife i can't loose her.

*weeks later*

Tech and Ace was visiting Roxy they made it to her room and saw Roxy was still out cold but was still wearing the mask to help her breath, as her chest was moving up and down with Roxy's steady breathing. the guys both walked over and looked at Roxy as Tech held Roxy's right hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as he sat down in a chair.
Ace: it's been weeks and she still hasn't waken up yet.
Tech: that's what worry's me chief i just wish Roxy would wake up the doctors have done all they can, Roxy's wound is healed but she won't wake up please Roxy just wake up we need you. Tech stood up and kissed Roxy on her forehead then got ready to leave with Ace but they both heard groaning and looked to see it was Roxy waking up, they both ran over to her and Tech held Roxy's as her eyes fluttered open.
Roxy: A Ace T Tech?
Ace: your awake I'll go get a doctor be right back! Ace ran out of the room and came back with a doctor as they checked over Roxy and she was happy to know she was stable to leave, Roxy slowly got out of bed with the help from Tech as Ace stepped out of the room so Roxy could get changed once Roxy was changed into a different outfit. she left with Tech and Ace as they all went back to HQ and they could have nothing to worry about anymore.

*tiny time skip*

Lexi: well at least now Roxy can be here for Amaya's birthday since we put the party on hold a for a bit, she really missed you Roxy.
Roxy: i never meant to worry my little girl but i'm here now and i feel a lot better too. everyone was having fun and Roxy brought out the cake she made for Amaya then set it down on the table, Amaya made a wish and everyone clapped when Amaya blew out her candles.
Duck: we got you few a things Amaya but do you want to open the presents i got you first?
Amaya: yeah. Duck set down two presents in front of Amaya and she opened them to see a young scientist coat and a box of hair ribbons, she hugged Duck as he hugged her back.
Amaya: thank you Uncle Duck.
Duck: your welcome Amaya. Amaya opened the rest of her presents and hugged her stuffed dolphin close and hugged Lexi as she hugged back, then Ace got his thank you hug even Roxy and Tech got thank you hugs from their daughter.
Amaya: thank you guys for all the great presents i love them.
Roxy: we're glad you do honey now take your presents to your room and we can eat some of your cake, when you get back. Amaya nodded and took all her presents to her room then ran back so she could eat some birthday cake everyone got a slice and they all ate their slices.

*later that night*

Amaya was getting ready for bed and heard the door open as she saw her parents come in as she walked over to them.
Roxy: ready for bed Amaya?
Amaya: yes Mommy. Tech picked up Amaya and kissed her on the head then set Amaya down on her bed.
Tech: did you have a good birthday Amaya?
Amaya: yeah i did and i'm happy your home Mommy.
Roxy: me too baby but time for bed.
Amaya: Mommy can you sing me the lullaby Grandma used to sing you please.
Roxy: alright but i need my music box. Tech held out Roxy's music box to her and she smiled at him then got fot ready to sing to Amaya.

listen to the wind blow
see the mighty eagle soar
feel the sun on your face
trust that you will find your way
and when the night is cold and dark

know that you have fire in your heart
be strong, be brave
let courage lead the way
stand tall and know who you are
wild heart, wild soul
roam free to the unknown
and know that you have everything that you need
to be fearless

after Roxy finished singing she noticed Amaya was asleep both smiled and each gave Amaya a kiss on her forehead as they both left her room, Tech turned out the light and stood beside Roxy.
Roxy: our little girl sure had fun today.
Tech: she did and now let's head to bed. Roxy nodded and went to bed and went to sleep while laying next to Tech who subconsciously wrapped his arms around Roxy's waist in his sleep. it was late in the night and a set of little feet was walking towards their room and Tech heard it only to see it was Amaya holding both her wolf and coyote.
Tech: what's wrong Amaya?
Amaya: i had a nightmare can i sleep with you and Mommy Daddy?
Tech: (sits up) come here. Amaya walked over to Tech and he picked her up then put her in between him and Roxy as she woke up, then smiled at Amaya.
Roxy: nightmare Amaya?
Amaya: yes Mommy.
Roxy: your going to be too big to do this but you'll always be our little girl and my baby no matter what. Amaya giggled when Roxy kissed her forehead and cuddled in between her parents as they wrapped their arms around Amaya.

*next day*

everyone was awake while Amaya was still so tired and sat down at the table while rubbing her eyes.
Lexi: morning Amaya.
Amaya: morning Aunt Lexi (yawns) i'm still so tired.
Roxy: sometimes a nightmare does that honey and trust me your Daddy and i both suffered it so don't worry and i'm sure Ace had a nightmare himself, they tend to happen Amaya they sometimes scare people but i learned to face fear itself. it's something that you shouldn't worry about until your older but right now eat your breakfast and you have to get ready for your science lesson with Daddy, then your going to need to be ready for your music lesson with me if you want Amaya.
Amaya: i love music Mommy but i don't know what to do when i'm older.
Rev: the choice is up to you Amaya.
Tech: he's right my little princess the choice is up to you. Amaya smiled and hugged Tech as he hugged her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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