chapter 1

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things were quiet at Loonatics HQ Roxy was reading a book until she heard the guys yelling which, made her growl and her ears were down on her head.
Roxy went to her room and tried not loose her temper then remembered what Ace taught her, Roxy tried to calm her nerves but heard Duck and Tech arguing Slam, Rev, Ace and Lexi knew how mad Roxy gets.
Rev: uh oh we better clear out.
Lexi: yeah cause we all know what happens when Roxy gets mad, her dark magic tends to come out.
Ace: Tech Duck stop arguing or else Roxy is gonna blow!
Tech: oh no.
Duck: she wouldn't?
Roxy: try me feather brain you know how mad i get and my dark magic comes out! you all should know negative emotions trigger my dark magic!
Ace: uh okay Roxy try to calm down please before you destroy the base. Roxy calmed down a bit but then she used her magic and teleported to her room which left everyone glaring at Tech and Duck.
Duck: what?
Lexi: you know it's you guys fighting ticks her off Duck why do you and Tech have to fight like that?
Tech: his ringer was being annoying again and he had to come into my lab while i was working, on something and you made me destroy it when you came on your stupid skateboard.
Ace: what were you working on Tech?
Tech: it was a gift for Roxy it was supposed to be a piece of home for her.

Lexi: that's really thoughtful of you Tech. what was it?
Tech: a sugar skull music box until it was destroyed thanks to Duck!
Duck: look i'm sorry but i don't want to face Roxy's dark magic it tooks weeks for her last spell to wear off, i was eating duck seeds for weeks! Slam chuckled at the thought of Duck acting like an actual duck.
Ace: i hate to say it you deserved it.
Tech: i'm going back to my lab and i'm going to try and fix Roxy's gift you guys do know her birthday is coming up in a few months.
Lexi: you sure it's not just about you know her Dad?
Rev: yeah he was the only one left since her Mom died.
Ace: Roxy still has her grandparents so i asked them to come and visit. Tech went to his lab and had finished the music box then he went to Roxy's room and knocked on the door.

*in Roxy's room*

Roxy opened the door and saw Tech there and she was confused by his sudden visit.
Tech: hey sorry if i made you mad but you can mainly Duck.
Roxy: i forgive you Tech but not the duck if he does that again i swear he'll be turned into a statue for a month.
Tech: ooh your a fiery girl it's no wonder your apart of the team (holds out gift) i made you something. Roxy looked at Tech and gently took the gift and opened it to see a sugar skull inside.
Roxy: a sugar skull?
Tech: it's actually a music box i made it for you Roxy i remembered the song your Mother sang you, and i tried to replicate it you know for memories of your parents. Roxy opened the top of the skull and heard the lullaby her Mom used to sing to her, Roxy set the music box down on her night stand and walked over to the window in her room looking up at the moon just staring at the stars.
Roxy: i just wish i could see my parents again i get my powers from them my light magic from Dad and my dark magic from my Mom, but my heritage is a strong one considering my Hispaninc side. at least i have my grandparents and my friends.
Tech: Roxy what did you do before you became a hero?
Roxy: i used to teach kids to play instruments and show them how to have fun while making music, they looked up to me and well it was my job when i was seventeen. it was something i loved the most making music with my familia we would always have fun when it came to Dia De Los Muertos, we would always play music during the celebration something i loved the most growing up. Tech looked at Roxy and walked over to her as he hugged her close and Roxy hugged Tech back.

Tech: it must've been hard when your Mom passed away?
Roxy: (sigh) it was she died from being so sick she had cancer my parents were there for me, and i'm glad i met you a long time ago Tech we became good friends.
Tech: i know and it was worth it meeting you that day i'm just thankful the radiation didn't harm you. but i hate seeing you so upset please smile for me Roxy. Roxy turned her head from Tech and walked closer to the window then Tech had a smirk on his face and grabbed Roxy her waist which caught her off guard and made Roxy scream from the surprise.
Roxy: Tech put me down!
Tech: not a chance we have visitors coming so i'm taking you down to the living room. Roxy struggled to get out of Tech's arms after she was thrown over his shoulder.
Roxy: Tech you are going to be in so much trouble if you don't put me down!

*in the living room*

eveyrone had welcomed Roxy's grandparents and they were wondering where Roxy was.
Anna: where is my Mija?
Ace: i'm sure she's on her way down Abuelita. the doors opened and they all heard Roxy yelling.
Roxy: Tech E Coyote put me down this instant you'll be turned into a frog if you don't!
Max: well this is a sight.
Roxy: hi Abuelo and Abuelita don't ask Tech won't put me down.
Tech: cause i knew you would run and hide in your room. Roxy growled then knew what to do she grabbed Tech's tail and bit it which made him yelp in pain then he dropped Roxy as she ran for it but was grabbed by Tech.
Roxy: (growls) damn it.
Tech: you had to bite my tail didn't you?
Roxy: it's what you get for not letting me go smart guy next time never hold me a hostage or else it will hurt.
Max: Roxanne Wolf!
Roxy: oh geez the full name card.
Anna: Mija you shouldn't have bitten your friends tail. are you alright?
Tech: yes ma'am i'm fine your granddaughter has quite the bite considering she bit my tail. Roxy was sitting on the couch and was ignoring everyone but used her magic to go to her room.

Duck: the wolves gone.
Max: she is her Mother's daughter.
Anna: where is her room?
Lexi: it's a little ways from Tech's room the door has sugar skulls on it so you'll know it's hers.
Anna: well how about some dinner everyone?
Tech: that would be nice thank you.
Max: my wife makes the best burritos and tacos. everyone smiled then Anna went into the kitchen and knew her granddaughter would come down once she smelled the scent.
Tech: the smell should bring Roxy down considering how we all know her.
Roxy: shut it Tech! everyone laughed then ate Tech got a plate made for Roxy and went up to her room then set the plate outside her door.
Tech: i left you some food Roxy hope you won't stay mad at me.

*tiny time skip*

Roxy was in her room wearing her pajamas which is an off shoulder purple shirt and black pajama pants, Roxy was playing her guitar while working on a song cause she was asked by the mayor to do a show for the charity evernt.
Roxy: okay this could work maybe but agh! a knock was heard on the door and she walked over to see it was Tech.
Tech: everything okay?
Roxy: not really i was asked by the mayor to sing the kids charity event and i can't think of a song to write.
Tech: maybe i could help i have been working on something to help you with your music. Roxy followed Tech to his lab and saw a gadget and Tech brought it over to Roxy.
Tech: this is a special keyboard i designed to help with your songs. the keyboard was designed like a normal keyboard but was different.
Roxy: Tech you didn't have to make this for me i could've just used my laptop but thank you, i guess we're really lucky to have the best genius on the team.
Tech: only for my favorite wolf. Roxy blushed and kissed Tech on his cheek then went to her room and began working witht he keyboard Tech made and used her laptop, but didn't know she fell asleep while working on the song.

*next day*

everyone was about to leave but Roxy was in her room getting her guitar and laptop ready, then teleported and surprised everyone.
Ace: woah Roxy calm down.
Roxy: sorry Ace i'm just nervous to sing in front of pepole i never did i always danced with my family.
Lexi: look just cool it girl you'r going to be great now let's get going so we're not late and your performing later tonight.
Rev: she's right. Roxy held her arms then grabbed her guitar case along with her laptop and left with the team.

*at the charity event*

the Loonatics had arrived at the event and went to enjoy some time at the party but Roxy was uneasy, about singing in front of a ton of people she was trying so hard to keep calm. Tech noticed and stopped Roxy from pacing around then she looked at him.
Tech: your really on edge aren't you?
Roxy: very i can't even relax what if everyone laughs at me?
Tech: they won't i heard your recordings you will be great.

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