chapter 15

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seven months had passed and Roxy was on her way to see Tech in his lab and she walked in, to see him working on one of his inventions.
Roxy: Tech how long have you've been working?
Tech: only a couple hours but hows the baby doing?
Roxy: their fine Tech and can't wait to meet you in two more months. Tech smiled and put a hand on Roxy's stomach to feel the baby move as he smilde and placed a kiss on Roxy's stomach.
Tech: i can't wait to meet the baby.
Roxy: neither can i but we still don't know what the baby is going to be Tech, just want our baby to be healthy.
Tech: i know Roxy but have you been craving anything lately?
Roxy: no why my cravings haven't been any different so i'm fine i know your worried but please calm down, but now that you mention it i am hungry i could eat. but i am cooking dinner tonight.
Tech: oh no your not.
Roxy: Tech quit it we got married six months ago and your already driving me crazy! Tech playfully rolled his eyes as he kissed Roxy and they both left the lab and went to join the others.

*in the living room*

Lexi: hey guys we ordered take out so Rev went to go pick it up and also we ordered your favorites Roxy.
Roxy: thanks Lex but oof this baby is very active. Slam and Tech helped Roxy sit down on the couch while she was holding her stomach.
Ace: i never thought the baby would be coming so fast.
Roxy: don't remind me Ace but in two more months the baby is here.
Duck: oh yeah we got the nursery done for the kid.
Tech: while you were visiting your family we all got the nursery finished for our baby, it's just like what you drew but we may have added our own touches.
Roxy: maybe i can see it after dinner. Rev got back and everyone sat down at the table and ate dinner then everyone took Roxy to the nursery as Tech covered her eyes while guiding her they all made it to the nursery then the doors opened and they all walked in.
Roxy: can i look now?
Tech: alright open your eyes (uncovers Roxy's eyes) now. Roxy opened her eyes and saw how the nursery looked.
Roxy: oh your guys this is perfect i see you painted the wall.
Lexi: yup there's both a wolf and coyote on the cliff howling together.
Ace: it's supposed to be you and Tech.

Roxy: (tears up) oh i love it and look at the mobile little stars.
Duck: yeah i may have made that myself Julieta helped me out then Tech made sure it worked.
Ace: we even found a crib that best suits the baby boy or girl.
Rev: i even added a few stuffed animals that represent each of us. Roxy saw a self of stuffed animals that was a couple rabbits, a tasmanian devil, duck, road runner along with a wolf and coyote.
Lexi: i picked out the bed stuff for the cutie.
Slam: all for baby.
Roxy: oh my god you guys this is the sweetest thing ever and i know the baby will have the best Aunt and Uncles, even the best Daddy. Tech kissed Roxy then Roxy walked over to the chair and sat down in it while holding her stomach Tech walked over and stood next to Roxy.
Ace: i'm glad you like it but when's the due date?
Tech: in a few days after next month.
Roxy: as long as i don't stress myself and the baby shouldn't come early i don't want a premature birth, or have to get a C section i just have to keep calm and not stress myself out.
Ace: remember what i showed you take deep breaths and calm your nerves.
Roxy: right right sorry it's just i'm still new to all this stuff.

*two months later*

Lexi and Roxy were in the nursery setting up the bookshelf after finding a couple of books, for the baby then Roxy remembered something for Lexi she got the bag and held it out to Lexi.
Roxy: Lexi made you something i know you've been missing Zozo so i made something that looks like her. Lexi kindly took the bag and opened it to see it was a plushie that looks like Zozo.
Lexi: it looks just like her thank you Roxy.
Roxy: your welcome Lexi (feels liquid down leg) uh no not now.
Lexi: what happened?
Roxy: my water just broke oh i gotta get to the hospital! Lexi can you tell the guys it's time.

*at the hospital*

Lexi was beside Roxy while she was getting ready to have the baby then Tech came running into the room as he held Roxy's hand, then felt a contraction hit as she was in pain.
Tech: it's going to be alright Roxy just breath.
Roxy: i'm glad you made it Tech.
Tech: everyone is waiting outside hoping you'll be alright and so will our baby.
Lexi: i'm gonna go wait outside with the guys and leave you two alone. Lexi left the room and the doctors came in to help deliver the baby and Roxy was in a lot of pain due to labor.

*couple hours later*

both Roxy and Tech were looking at their baby which was a little coyote with wolf ears and tail and the baby was a healthy little girl, she had Tech's fur but looked like her Mom.
Tech: our little girl she's beautiful just like her Mother.
Roxy: yeah she is our little Amaya. the doctor says i can go home and that there is no problem with both me and Amaya, now we can be home with the others. Tech helped Roxy up from the bed and held Amaya while Roxy got her suit on then gently took Amaya from Tech as she held her daughter close, the whole team got to meet Amaya and Lexi adored her they all went back to HQ.

*at HQ*

Roxy: alright my little coyote this is your home and it's where your gonna grow up, we'll all be here for you.
Tech: your Mother's right Amaya we'll be here for you. Roxy walked over to the couch and sat down with Amaya in her arms as her baby was sleeping, Amaya was cuddled up to Roxy's chest then got a kiss on the forehead.
Lexi: can i hold her Roxy?
Roxy: sure Lexi be careful. Roxy helped Lexi position her arms so one was supporting Amay's head and Lexi was standing while holding the baby.
Lexi: oh you are so cute Amaya but don't you worry Aunt Lexi will be here for you.
Ace: she's the first wolf coyote to have ever lived.
Tech: that may be true Ace but we're happy to have our daughter and she might be alot like her Mother.
Roxy: and could have your smarts Mi Corazon. they both kissed and heard the door bell ring everyone wondered who it was then Rev answered to see it was his family.
Rip: hey bro heard became an uncle.
Rev: sure did meet Amaya Rose Coyote.
Heriette: oh she's precious.
Roxy: thank you Heriette Tech and i couldn't be more happier to have her.
Tech: she's right and Amaya has a proud heritage from both me and her Mother.

Ralph: she is beautiful i see Amaya is half wolf.
Tech: and part of me she is the first wolf coyote to be born and we all will be here to keep Amaya safe. Roxy was beside Tech as he held her waist and Roxy leaned her head on Tech's chest then gently took Amaya from Lexi and held her close, they heard the door bell ring again and Roxy knew who it was. Roxy's family had come to visit they all saw the baby.
Roxy: okay okay everyone please calm down your scaring Amaya she's getting fussy.
Rachel: sorry honey but she's adorable.
Roxy: it's alright Aunt Rachel but please all of you calm down Amaya doesn't like it when your all acting like this, so please relax and don't scare my baby. everyone was calm and Roxy was calming Amaya down since she was a little cranky.
Roxy: hush now my little coyote it's alright Mommy's here. hey Tech can you watch Amaya while i get her bottle ready?
Tech: of course i can (takes Amaya) go get her bottle she must be really hungry. Roxy kissed Tech and went to make Amaya a bottle once Roxy made Amaya a bottle she shook it up and walked over to her husband and took the baby so she could eat, Roxy sat down on the couch and fed Amaya after Roxy fed Amaya she was patting her back in hope to get the baby to burp. after a few pats Amaya burped and Roxy rubbed her daughters back.

*six months later*

Amaya was playing with her toys and saw Ace meditating she crawled over to him and patted his leg Ace opened his eyes only to see Amaya, in front of him he smiled at the baby and picked her up.
Ace: what're you doing? Amaya was patting Ace's arms as he chuckled at Amaya and held her close then stood up, as he walked over to the window to see the town.
Lexi: hey Ace i see Amaya is being silly again?
Ace: she crawled over to me hard to believe she's only six months old. but where's Roxy and Tech?
Lexi: Roxy went out to get some groceries and Tech he's in his lab like always. but we both know the lab is not safe for a baby.
Tech: right you are i see Amaya was crawling around again.
Ace: she was but you are getting so big Maya. Amaya giggled and hid in Ace's shoulder while the others all laughed at her reaction.

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