chapter 10

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Roxy: Hola Abuelita.
Anna: aye Mija your here and Tech i see your doing well.
Tech: i am Mrs. Wolf and so has Roxy she's been doing well herself and i'm happy to have her as my girlfriend. Roxy smiled at Tech and kissed his cheek then everyone went to enjoy dinner as they were telling stories Roxy was turning red as she slid down in her chair.
Roxy: Uncle Miguel and Uncle Felix please stop your embarrassing me.
Felix: sorry honey but since your Dad's not here its now our job to do it. Roxy's head hit the table and Tech rubbed her back to help calm her down Roxy got up and left the dining room then went outside to get some air, Tech looked at the family and wondered if that always happened.
Tech: does this always happen?
Rachel: no but Felix and Miguel should've kept their mouths shut.
Miguel: look we're sorry we didn't mean to embarrass Roxy it's just we can't do that to our younger kids.
Julieta: but yet you can embarrass us older ones Dad for once think before you do. Tech i think Roxy could be outside she always goes outside to clear her mind.
Tech: thanks Julieta. Tech walked outside and searched for Roxy until he found her sitting on the edge of the fountain looking at the water, Tech walked over and looked at her.
Tech: Roxy.
Roxy: sorry i ran out of the house Tech it's just i couldn't take being embarrassed anymore by my Uncles, sometimes i wished it was my Dad doing it but no he's gone. (tears up) i just wish he didn't die he would've liked you Tech i used to tell him about you and he was really happy i found you, Dad wanted us to be together when i told him i had became your partner for your thesis. Tech smiled and sat down beside Roxy as he held her close then they both looked up at the stars.

Tech: well let's just say your Dad got his wish we're together and nothing ever tear us apart, (wraps arms around Roxy's waist) i wonder what the future will be like for us.
Roxy: who knows maybe one with a little pup running around a boy or girl who knows, but i will be happy with our little one.
Tech: i know what you mean but we will see about having a pup one day. Roxy smiled and leaned against Tech's chest as they looked up at the stars but what they didn't know was Roxy's Dad wasn't actually gone he faked his own death to protect his only daughter.
Marcus: one day Mija you will see me again but not now. (looks at Tech) take care of my little girl Tech i trust you the most with my daughters heart. after a bit Marcus left and put his hood on so no one would know he was alive.
Tech: we should head inside it's going to rain soon. they both ran inside and heard the kids arguing.
Rachel: kids stop fighting.
Roxy: i got it Aunt Rachel. Roxy grabbed two of the kids then asked Tech to help with the rest as he grabbed them then helped hold the kids apart.
Tech: what is going on with you five?
Gabby: Justin took my doll and he won't give it back.
Roxy: oh for the love of Justin give Gabby back her doll you know it's special to her. Justin gave Ganny back her doll then she held it close and ran up to her room, they all saw it and Roxy knew what to do.
Roxy: look kids go play i need to talk with Gabby but if you run into Tech be careful he might have one of his inventions, don't touch it and don't break it you hear me i know how my boyfriend gets. and the inventions are not toys to play with.

*in Gabby's room*

Roxy: Gabby you alright?
Gabby: no i just don't understand why Justin would take my doll he never does that. Roxy noticed the stitches and knew who did it.
Roxy: i think he was fixing your doll he knew how special it was too you but look Tech and i have to head back, to HQ and there could be a problem but try not to fight with our cousins and that means your siblings too.
Gabby: okay.

*back HQ*

both Tech and Roxy had made it back to HQ and heard Duck fighting with Rev and then Roxy used her magic to hold them apart.
Roxy: guys me and Tech just got back your fighting let me guess Duck stole your cookies again Rev?
Rev: yes i wish he would quite it!
Tech: you two need to stop this it's going drive everyone insane.
Roxy: mostly me my love but i come from a whole family of wolves my family drove me crazy a bit until i moved out, that was when we met at the institute.
Tech: that i remember. Roxy let the guys both go and went to meditate to help calm her nerves and heard Tech sit beside her as they both were clearing their minds. until they both heard Duck's phone and Roxy growled at the duck.
Roxy: Duck shut that thing up it's driving me crazy. right before Roxy felt a jolt in her chest she clenched it Tech noticed and helped her up with a look of concern in his eyes.
Ace: what's wrong?
Roxy: i don't know my chest hurts i think we got a problem look outside. everyone looked outside and saw it was becoming dark they knew she was back.
Tech: it's her Black Velvets back i will not let her get me again.
Roxy: no way is touching you again your mine but now it's high time she knows what it's like to be bitten, by a wolf my fangs are more dangerous than people would think.

*in Black Velvet's lair*

everyone was searching for Black Velvet and Roxy was growling cause she wanted to get her boyfriend back, then looked at her hand to see claws coming out and felt her fangs getting longer.
Roxy: what's happening to me?
Ace: Roxy what's wrong?
Roxy: i don't know Ace it's a full moon out tonight and yet i feel feral all of a sudden. but it's best you guys stay away from me Black Velvet's mine she's going to regret taking my coyote. they all found Black Velvet then Roxy was about to attack her but she felt a jolt of pain go through her whole body.
Lexi: what's happening to Roxy? Roxy felt her bones shift and she was getting bigger and she had turned into a werewolf as she howled then growled at Black Velvet.
BV: how is this possible?!
Roxy: guess i truly am my Mothers daughter now release Tech and maybe i will spare your life.
BV: hah he will only listen to me so give it up honey.
Roxy: (growls) then it seems i'm going to have to hurt you. Roxy attacked Black Velvet and she screamed from being attacked by Roxy and was thrown, around the place while the others woke up Tech and he snapped out of it only to see Roxy fighting Black Velvet.
Tech: is that Roxy?
Rev: we don't know what happened she just changed into that monster.

BV: time for a nap you mangy wolf! Roxy dodged Black Velvet's attacks and she tackled her to the ground while growling at her then raised her claws to scratch Black Velvet but Tech yelled at Roxy to stop. she turned around and saw Tech looking at her with saddened eyes then her ears fell down and she walked over to Tech on all fours and looked at him.
Ace: we need to get out of here now! everyone ran and was back at HQ.

*at HQ*

everyone was in the lab while Roxy was sitting on a table with her head down Roxy's tail was beside her, as Tech was doing some tests on Roxy as she looked away from him.
Tech: how did this happen to you Roxy?
Roxy: i don't know must be from my Mom i never knew she was a monster. and now i'm one you must not want to be with me anymore Tech. Tech walked over and held Roxy's face in his hands as she looked at him.
Tech: i don't care Roxy your still you and i love you no matter what. but first we need to find a way to turn you back but i think it's best to wait until morning for now get some sleep. Roxy went to her room and laid down on her bed then went to sleep hoping ot be back to normal.

*next day*

everyone was awake and wondered if Roxy was back to normal they heard footsteps and saw Roxy was herself again.
Tech: your back to yourself Roxy.
Roxy: yeah i feel fine but i don't understand why that happened to me you all could've been hurt if you came any closer too, me just please don't do it again. there has to be a cure so we can stop what's happening to me?
Lexi: maybe but didn't your Mom have any parents on her side of the family?
Roxy: no they died before i was born i never got to meet them Nana and Papa both died from a heart attack, Mom got her powers from Papa so i guess it runs in the family. but Mom never told me about her were side maybe to keep me from being scared i don't want to be like this i'm really scared i'm going hurt you guys.
Ace: Roxy calm down we'll find a way to fix this i promise for now stay strong.
Roxy: i don't know if i can Ace it's a full again tonight so it's best to lock me up.

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