chapter 12

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Roxy: you could've told me that instead of strapping me down to a table.
Rev: we thought you would freak out. Roxy remembered all the times she had gotten shots at the doctors and hated the thought of needles, Tech noticed the look and saw how nervous she was about it.
Tech: it's alright it'll only be a small amount i promise just hold my hand while i get it.
Roxy: okay i'm just a little scared right now i don't like needles.
Rev: Tech maybe i should do it.
Tech: no it's fine Rev i can do it just get me a syringe and be careful don't want you to prick yourself. Rev gave Tech the syringe and luckily Roxy was wearing her pajamas since she was upset with Marcus, Roxy held Tech's hand and he got the blood sample as she was sweating a bit from being scared.
Tech: i got it you did good Roxy thank you my brave wolf.
Roxy: no problem Tech i was sweating a bit from being nervous. how long will it take to make the cure?
Tech: about an hour or two considering i need to do some testing to make sure it works. for now try not to leave your room and keep the curtains closed along with keeping your door locked, we can't have you running out of HQ and into the city. Roxy was let off of the table and went into her room so she could try to relax but felt more scared.

*in Roxy's room*

Roxy: god what am i going to do i hope Tech can finish the cure in time i can't live like this. Roxy laid on her bed and decided to hide under the covers then felt her fangs and claws come out as she tried not to transform.
Roxy: no god not now. Tech was knocking on the door and entered the access code then walked into Roxy's room as he saw Roxy hiding under the blanket.
Tech: Roxy it's ready i tested it and everything this should help you return to yourself. Roxy came out from under the blanket and held out her arm, towards  her boyfriend as Tech gave her the cure and Roxy felt it taking effect.
Tech: how do you feel?
Roxy: fine but tired.
Tech: i was wondering if you'd like to move into my room Roxy?
Roxy: i'd love that. Tech picked up Roxy bridal style as she put her arms around Tech's neck as he carried her to his room.

*mini time skip*

it had been days since the were incident and Roxy was cuddled up to Tech while they were sleeping, until an alarm went off and scared Roxy out of bed as she fell to the ground as Tech looked at Roxy.
Tech: the alarm must be malfunctioning i gotta fix it.
Roxy: what if it isn't? cause it made me fall out of bed ow.
Tech: you okay?
Roxy: yeah i'm fine at least we're not in the lab or else that would've really hurt. (gets up from the ground) so come on let's go we need to know what the craps going.

*after the mission*

everyone was doing their own thing after finishing the mission Zadavia let the team have the day off and Roxy, was cuddling Tech as he put the invention he used to clamp Slam's mouth shut. as he put it on a pizza and it cut up the pizza then he got a couple of slices and gave one to Roxy as she took it while smiling up at Tech, then heard something and knew it was her family.
Ace: hey Roxy your families here.
Roxy: i see that Ace but what're they doing here?
Anna: Mija did you forget tomorrows your birthday.
Roxy: oh god i completely forgot thank you Abuelita but what if i don't feel like a party this year.
Anna: but Mija why not?
Roxy: you really want a villain to interrupt the party?
Max: she has a point a villain always ruins something for her and the team. Roxy hid a smirk and went to her room but didn't know the team and her family were planing something.
Lexi: she's coming up with an excuse so let's surprise her.
Tech: i need time to find Roxy a gift and i know just what to get her.
Ace: what're you thinking Tech?
Tech: i don't want to ruin the surprise so you'll have to wait and see. Tech went to get Roxy's gift and knew she would love it then paid for it and made it back to HQ, Tech looked around for Roxy and ran for the lab where he could hide his gift without Roxy knowing.

*in the lab*

Tech: whew i made it in time and without Roxy knowing she's smart but not clever enough to know what i'm doing. the doors to the lab opened and Roxy came in only to see Tech at his computer.
Roxy: hey there you are i was looking all over for you.
Tech: oh just ran out to pick up some parts for an invention.
Roxy: okay but look everyones acting weird do you know why that's happening?
Tech: no not at all. Roxy looked at Tech then shrugged her shoulders and went to fix up the ship since there has been some problems going on with it then heard Tech come over as he smiled at Roxy, they both got to work Roxy almost fell off of the wing then she did and Tech caught her as they both looked at each other.
Tech: careful you could get hurt.
Roxy: nice catch Tech but i'm fine. they both kissed each other and Roxy was put on her feet then continued working.
Tech: i think we've been working enough let's go get some dinner then get cleaned up.
Roxy: alright let's go. they both went to get cleaned up and got some dinner then went to their room Roxy had gotten changed after showering, and laid down on the bed on her side.

Roxy: hopefully tomorrow will be different.
Tech: who knows but things could be but for now get some sleep beautiful. Roxy chuckled and nuzzled into Tech's chest as he wrapped his arms around her then kissed Roxy on the forehead, they both went to sleep with smiles.

*next day*

Roxy was still sleeping then felt a kiss on her forehead and woke up to see Tech smiling at her as she smiled back at him, then leaned up as Roxy stretched a bit only to hear a few pops through out her limbs.
Tech: morning Roxy.
Roxy: Mmm morning Tech (yawns) hard to believe i'm nineteen now it had been months since we started dating, and i'm happy to have you with me Tech.
Tech: (smiles) same here Roxy i'm glad too. they both kissed each other and Roxy went to get her suit on and walked out with Tech as they went to the living room and Roxy saw everyone with a stack of pancakes.
Ace/Slam/Duck/Lexi/Rev: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Roxy: what guys this is so sweet of you thank you.
Lexi: of course your our friend. Roxy sat down at the table then the pancakes was set down in front of her and everyone joined for breakfast.
Tech: i have a plan just for us today Roxy i was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk down in new China Town.
Roxy: i'd love that Tech thanks.

*in New China Town*

Tech and Roxy were walking around enjoying the sight as they both stopped and watched the parade happen, Roxy leaned her head on Tech's shoulder and watched the dragons pass by.
Roxy: thank you for the walk Tech i enjoyed it.
Tech: i'm glad you enjoyed it but there is one last thing but we are going to your families home, so follow me and i promise nothing is going to happen. Roxy looked at Tech and took his hand as they both walekd up the stairs and then a light came on and Roxy was shocked by the surprise.
Anna: happy birthday Mjia.
Roxy: what i don't understand.
Marcus: this is for you sweetheart can you ever forgive your old man?
Roxy: oh Dad i forgave you a long time ago. Marcus smiled and hugged Roxy and Julieta took Roxy so she could get changed Roxy and Julieta both went upstairs.
Marcus: Tech i hope your ready for what your about to ask my little girl?
Tech: yes sir i am i just hope she'll like it. Marcus patted Tech on his shoulder and everyone saw Roxy coming down in her dress with her hair done up the, dress Roxy was wearing was a magenta and black dress with a crown on her head and walked down the stairs. the guys were all shocked by what they were seeing and Tech was the most blown away by seeing his girlfriend looking like a princess in his eyes.
Duck: wow.

Roxy: hey guys just to let you all know Julieta did this and i'm not going to keep it on long.
Lexi: why not you look great. Roxy rolled her eyes and saw Tech staring at her with love in his eyes as she blushed while looking away from him.
Tech: you look incredible Roxy like the moon and stars.
Roxy: (blushes) oh um thanks Tech.
Tech: care for a dance? Roxy smiled and went to dance with Tech as they enjoyed the night together until something happened, it was Pierre and he was back for vengance then the Loonatics all began to fight Roxy gave Lexi a boost and she kicked Pierre. then Roxy used her magic and changed into her suit as she went to fight Pierre.
Roxy: you picked the wrong night to pick a fight with us!

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