chapter 3

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Ace: hey guys think we gave the kids a good inspirational speech?
Roxy: i think we did Ace and now they can choose which path too take, but right now i am tired and i'm gonna head home later guys. Roxy left the party and went back to Loonatics HQ and sat down on the couch while watching TV but didn't know that she had fallen asleep after getting changed.

*hours later*

the team had returned and saw Roxy asleep on the couch.
Duck: she must've been really tired.
Tech: i could use some help getting into her room.
Ace: she gave me and Lexi the code to her room so i can help. Tech quietly and gently picked up Roxy in his arms as she leaned her head on his shoulder as he looked at her with a smile on his face, both Tech and Ace went up to Roxy's room Ace typed in the code for Roxy's room. they both walked in and Lexi came in to help the guys as she moved back the blanket, then Tech gently laid Roxy down as Lexi covered her with the blanket.
Ace: let's leave so Roxy can sleep.
Lexi: right you coming Tech?
Tech: in a little bit yout two go ahead. Tech stayed behind and moved Roxy's hair out of her eye he smiled at the wolf in front of him then placed a kiss on her forehead.
Tech: good night Roxy nothing is going to harm you again not even Master Mind. Tech left Roxy's room and she moved a bit in her sleep with a smile on her face.

*next day*

Roxy was in the kitchen making breakfast then heard everyone coming down.
Ace: ooh what smells so good?
Roxy: oh i made breakfast since it was my turn to cook but where's Tech?
Lexi: i think he's still sleeping. Roxy rolled her eyes and made him a plate then put hers and his on a tray then got some coffee for them both, then walked up to his room as she typed in the code and walked into the room.

*in Tech's room/lab*

Roxy walked in and saw how cute Tech was when he sleeps then Roxy set down the tray on the table that Tech has in his lab. and walked over to wake him, up she gently shook him and he stirred a bit then woke up to see Roxy above him smiling.
Tech: i think i see an angel above me.
Roxy: (chuckles) why do you have to be so cute Tech i brought you breakfast. Roxy grabbed the tray while Tech sat up in bed as he looked at Roxy then she placed the tray on his bed, as Tech saw what Roxy cooked.
Tech: i see you made sweet bread.
Roxy: yeah one thing Dad and i baked together he pracitically left his cook book to me, listen Tech i was going to head down to Mexico to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos with my family and i was wondering if you and the team would like to come with me.
Tech: we could use a vacation but isn't day of the dead on the 2nd of November?
Roxy: it is but we like to celebrate early but it's mostly a Halloween party and i am going to find a costume, so i'm going to let the team know and we should be ready. Roxy left the room and went to find a costume which happened to be a vampire mistress costume.
Roxy: nice this should knock Tech off his feet.

*in Mexico*

the team had made it and saw all the decorations for the festival and Roxy smiled being in Mexico she loved everything about it, then went to her Grandparents house and the team all saw how big it was.
Ace: wow big house how many of you are there?
Roxy: my aunts and uncles along with a few of my cousins we're a big pack. a little howl was heard and Roxy saw it was her younger cousin Gabby and she hugged her close.
Gabby: i missed you Roxy.
Roxy: i missed you too kiddo this is the team Ace, Lexi, Rev, Slam, Duck and last but not least the genius of our group Tech E Coyote. we're close friends and i tend to help out with his inventions.
Gabby: cool.
Lexi: nice too meet you Gabby Roxy told me about you and your even cuter in person. they all walked inside and Roxy was tackled by her cousins as she rangled the kids and tickled them as they all laughed.
Roxy: alright you little monsters cool it my friends are here and i don't want you embarrassing me.
Tech: (chuckles) so many young pups.
Roxy: this is only three of my cousins i have older cousins their both helping our grandparents. alright kids introduce yourselves or we won't make sugar skull cookies. the kids all screamed from that and got off of Roxy and introduced themselves.

Mia: i'm Mia.
Isabella: i'm Isabella but call me Isa.
Antonio: i'm Antonio.
Justin: i'm Justin.
Ace: nice to meet you guys.
Anna: welcome everyone Julieta how's the decorations coming Mija?
Julieta: good Abuelita oh hey Roxy good to see you again.
Roxy: oh same to you where's Monty?
Monty: here i was fighting with Dad.
Anna: oh i swear that father of yours kids.
Roxy: uh where is Uncle Miguel?
Miguel: right here hey sweetheart how are you?
Roxy: i'm good Uncle Miguel how's Aunt Christina?
Julieta: Mom's good. the same with Aunt Rachel.
Rachel: kids come on we have a lot to do before the party tonight.

*mini time skip*

everyone was getting ready then Roxy was putting on her costume then did up her hair, and knew she could scare Tech a bit.
Roxy: (mischevously giggles) this is gonna be good i'm scare the fur off of him. Roxy went downstairs and saw Tech then snuck up behind him and grabbed his shoulders which made him jump, the others were laughing and Tech turned around as he glared at Roxy.
Roxy: whew i got you Tech worth it!
Lexi: nice costume Roxy.

Roxy: thanks Lexi now let's head to the party it's in the backyard

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Roxy: thanks Lexi now let's head to the party it's in the backyard. they all walked to the backyard and saw the big feista going on outside the music was going and Roxy was having fun with her cousins as they were dancing then felt Tech get pushed into her.
Tech: not funny Duck!
Roxy: let me guess he pushed you?
Tech: yes he did. but can i be honest you look beautiful as a vampire.
Roxy: (blushes) thanks but what're you supposed to be Tech cause you look really handsome.
Tech: you can say i'm Doctor Frankenstien a brilliant scientist to create his mosnter.
Roxy: that's my favorite book so shall we go and have a dance Doctor?
Tech: with pleasure Mistress Roxanne. Roxy laughed and went to the dance floor with Tech and they were having fun dancing together.
Roxy: alright Tech let me teach you something my Dad taught me watch and learn strut, step, slide, hip, chest side to side. got it?
Tech: got it. they both danced and Tech dipped Roxy as she looked at Tech with a smile on her face then something happened and it scared everyone.
Anna: what was that?
Roxy: let's hope not Doctor Dare cause if he thinks he's going ot hurt my family then he's dead wrong. Roxy used her magic to change into her suit and did the same for the others then they all went to fight.

*after the fight*

Anna: thank you Loonatics for saving our familia.
Lexi: it's what we do.
Max: oh mija if your parents were here they be so proud of you.
Roxy: thank you Abuelo but i promise to cherish the memories i made with them, i know they wouldn't want that i swore i would protect my family. i wish you all could come to Acmetropolis so i can see you all more.
Anna: well we did move our company there so now our family can be together more. Roxy's heart swelled with happiness and used her magic to changed back into her costume then did the samething for the others.
Duck: thanks for that. everyone continued having fun and Roxy was chasing her little cousin Isa but she was caught by Tech and he held her in his arms.
Roxy: you had to try and sneak one of my sugar cookies didn't you?
Isa: i can't help it their so good and i wanted to give one to Tech.
Tech: (takes cookie) thank you Isa. Tech set Isa down and she ran off to play with her siblings.
Roxy: like the cookie?
Tech: it delicious you are truly a great chef.
Roxy: now your just embarrassing me Tech. they both were walking and enjoying the party then Roxy heard someone call for her name.

Miguel: alright everyone let's have Roxy come on up here.
Felix: to sing a song for this party! Roxy was about to run until Tech grabbed her by the waist and held her close.
Tech: come on you can do it Roxy you've singed before you can do it again this is your family you've changed since they last saw you.
Roxy: okay but i need to choose a song i wrote and i was wondering if you'd like to do it with me tech.
Tech: oh i don't sing.
Roxy: you never know but we could be great up there together.
Tech: i'm not sure Roxy but if we could then hopefully i can learn your song.
Roxy: don't worry i know that big brain of yours you can learn it fast smart guy, my ingenius coyote. Tech playfully glared at Roxy as she went to get things ready.

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