chapter 11

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Duck: are you sure Roxy we've never locked up a team mate before.
Roxy: i'm sure of it Duck it's one way to keep me from attacking you guys especially the one i love, and if Zadavia comes here she could get hurt i could never hurt my Godmother she was there when i was little and helped me through my pain. after Mom died she was there to help me and Dad but i just get this gut feeling Dad's not gone he has to be out there somewhere, i just know it i have to find him.
Ace: not a chance you could transform while out there, so Rev is helping Tech build a cage to keep you from going on a rampage and hurting others. the others and i will go look for your old man i promise. Roxy hugged Ace and he hugged her back they have like a brother sister relationship then heard Tech and Rev come inside.
Rev: we're ready. the team followed Rev and Tech to the lab while Roxy was holding her arms close to her chest, as she saw the cage and was scared about everything.
Tech: it's going to be alright i will stay behind and make sure nothing happens to you, while the others go and look for your Dad.
Roxy: alright but hopefully we also find a cure i wouldn't want Zadavia to see me as a beast. Tech held Roxy close to her and she had a few tears going down her cheeks then felt a pain in her chest and everyone knew what was happening, Tech helped Roxy into the cage and she looked at him with a smile then felt the pain take over.
Zadavia: Loonatics we have a problem someone (looks for Roxy) where is Roxy?
Duck: she's not feeling good so we told her to lay down.
Zadavia: i see but there is a man you need to find it's Roxy's Father Marcus Wolf he's alive and is searching for Roxy, you must hurry and find him before our enemies does.

Ace: right we're on it.
Zadavia: good luck Zadavia out.
Ace: Tech you stay behind and keep an eye on Roxy she really needs you right now.
Tech: right and good luck finding Marcus. the rest of the team went to search for Marcus while Tech went to the lab and saw Roxy was in a lot of pain as she was transforming, then stood back as Roxy yelled in pain as Roxy's claws had became longer and her fangs the same with her snout. Roxy had fully transformed and was laying on the ground as she looked at Tech then looked away from him.
Tech: it's going to be alright Roxy i have news for you.
Roxy: what?
Tech: your Father is alive and he's the team is searching for him now.
Roxy: (surprised) my Dad's alive i don't believe it he'll be so scared to see me like this. i mean look at me Tech i'm a werewolf not like i asked to be like this it's no wonder Mom never told me about this she was scared i would become this, and yet your here beside me thanks Tech.
Tech: your welcome Roxy i'd kiss you right now but your snout.
Roxy: i know what you mean Tech and i don't blame you but we can only wait until morning i need to try and control myself, so i don't hurt anyone this might be my greatest fear Tech becoming a monster and loosing you guys along with my family.
Tech: is that what your afraid of Roxy? Roxy's ears fell down and laid down on the ground with her back facing Tech and he looked at Roxy then heard the team return. Tech tried to stop them from coming in the lab so Marcus doesn't freak out from seeing Roxy.
Tech: i wouldn't go in there cheif Roxy doesn't want to be seen right now at least not until morning.
Lexi: oh right come on Mr. Wolf we can show you where you'll be staying tonight.

Marcus: alright and thank you Lexi i appreiciate you all for reuniting me with my little girl, i missed her so much and she must've been devastated knowing i was "gone" i never meant to hurt my daughter. i was only trying to protect Roxy but now i see she has great friends and loving boyfriend.

*next day*

Roxy was back to normal she woke and stretched then heard her back pop, and heard the doors to the lab open Roxy saw Lexi come in.
Lexi: morning.
Roxy: hey Lexi (yawns) i'm still tired (lloks down) oh uh i'm naked i guess the transformation tore my suit, aw man i liked that suit great just great.
Lexi: relax you have another one in your room next time don't transform while wearing your suit.
Roxy: don't remind me got my robe with ya?
Lexi: sure do. Lexi handed Roxy her robe and they both heard the door open to see Tech come inside as he unlocked the cage and helped Roxy out of the cage and held onto him then, laid her head on Tech's chest.
Tech: everyone is waiting for you and i told Zadavia what happened she was shocked by what had happened to you, but is happy your alright now so we have to find a cure for you Roxy.
Roxy: great i don't think i can out at night anymore the transformation only happens at night now, so we need the cure as soon as possible i could attack you guys.
Tech: not happening we will find you a cure but for now come on your Dad is waiting to see you. Roxy had gotten her suit on and went downstairs with Lexi and Tech feeling nervous about seeing her Dad again since it's been a bit of time since she saw him.

*in the living room*

as they all walked into the living room and Marcus saw Roxy he couldn't believe to see his daughter was grown up and he walked towards her, Roxy saw her Dad and felt her eyes swell up with tears. Marcus held Roxy's cheek in his hand as he looked at her.
Marcus: my baby girl look at you. you look just as beautiful as your Mother. Roxy smiled then hugged Marcus as he hugged her back Roxy was crying while hugging Marcus as he held her close, then they both pulled away and looked at each other.
Roxy: why did you leave Dad i thought you were dead?
Marcus: Michael was after me so i had to leave but he targeted you and now i know my Mija had defeated him, i'm so proud of you sweetheart if only your Mother was here she would be so very proud of you.
Roxy: thanks Dad but i guess you know about me and Tech?
Marcus: i do and i'm happy your with him honey all that matters is your happy and i can tell he makes you very happy. Tech wrapped his arms around Roxy's waist and they looked at each other while smiling.
Tech: Mr. Wolf we have something to ask you.
Marcus: what is it?
Roxy: was Mom a werewolf? Marcus froze and knew he had to tell Roxy the truth so he asked the team to sit down and they all did, Marcus got ready to the truth which he was hoping to keep from Roxy.

Marcus: when i first met Alissa she told me her secret after we had been together for two years, it was before i married her Alissa had told me she was a werewolf but tried to cure herself with her dark magic but nothing worked i told her i loved her the way she is. but i never thought our only daughter would be just like her Mother i'm so sorry we wanted to keep a secret so we could protect you Roxy.
Roxy: so my whole life i have been a werewolf but never knew until the other night?
Marcus: you were so young the transformation was supposed to start when you turned nineteen.
Roxy: my birthday is in a few days Dad but yet you and Mom kept this a secret from me my whole life, all except my magic you both were proud i had both your powers, but to keep the werewolf thing a secret from your only daughter! i thought i could trust my family but no it seems i can't just leave me alone! right before anyone could say anything Roxy ran out of the room and ran into hers as she couldn't believe what she had heard.
Ace: wow that was unexpected.
Marcus: i told Alissa we shouldn't have kept it a secret it would only upset Roxy and to see i was right, i should just let my daughter calm down before i try talking to her again.
Rev: hey Tech i found the flowers you asked me to get.
Tech: thanks Rev this shouldn't take to long to make all i have to do is turn these flowers into the cure, then Roxy can be herself again like she wanted. now all i need is five minutes well maybe an hour due to testing, i need a sample of Roxy's blood and i know she won't like it so i need some help.
Duck: don't look at me i'm not dealing with her so count me out.
Ace: Slam think you can hold her big guy.
Slam: yeah.

*tiny time skip*

Slam was holding Roxy as she tried to get out of his grip but was put onto a table as it strapped her down, and Roxy was trying to get out of it.
Roxy: Tech i swear i'm going to be so mad if you don't let me off of this thing right now!
Tech: just calm down Roxy i need a sample of your blood so i can see if the cure will work without it hurting you, or possibly killing you i have to make sure it works first.

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