chapter 9

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Roxy knew what she had to do then left hoping the others would find the message she left for them and, went to find where her Mother had trained to control her dark magic. Roxy followed Zadavia's directions and hoped to control her dark powers but she knew the team would try to find her, but Roxy put up a barrier so no one would find her.

Ace: hey guys where's Roxy?
Tech: i was wondering the samething myself. this is not like my girlfriend.
Rev: guys i found this on the table. Rev handed Tech a disk and everyone saw it then Tech put the hologram into the drive so it could play. a hologram of Roxy appeared and she had a sad look on her face.
Holo Roxy: hey guys i'm sorry if you won't find me in my room or any where in HQ i left so i could take care of my own mission, i need to regain control of my dark magic and i put up a barrier so the villains won't find me. Zadavia told me about a place where my Mom went to when first lost control and now it's my turn i am her daughter so please don't come looking for me, i need to do this on my own and Tech don't worry about me i will be fine i love you good bye guys.

the hologram had ended and everyone was worried about Roxy.
Tech: it must've been cause of last night she must really blame herself we got to find her before our enemies does!
Lexi: calm down Tech we'll find her but remember Roxy wants to do this on her own so just give her time. so just relax i'm sure she'll come back when Roxy's ready.
Tech: let's hope your right Lexi i'm just worried Mastermind might get her, i don't want my girlfriend hurt she did so much to help us and saved me from becoming a permanent statue. i love Roxy so much i couldn't stand the thought of her hurt. they didn't know Roxy was watching through her spying spell then, remembered all the time she spent with Tech before they became heros.


it was a beautiful day at the institute and Roxy was playing her guitar after she had taught a class to kids. as she was playing her guitar then heard something and knew it was Tech thinking he was pacing and Roxy walked over and put a hand on his shoulder which made Tech jump.
Roxy: jumpy? you were thinking out loud again Tech.
Tech: whoops sorry Roxy i can't help it sometimes but i'm just nervous.
Roxy: it's okay look why don't we work on this together like we always do i asked the Dean if i could assist you with your thesis. Tech was surprised and hugged Roxy close as she was shocked by what had happened and hugged Tech back, they both sat down under a tree and Roxy had her guitar beside her as they worked and Roxy gave Tech some ideas.
Roxy: what if we made it able to reverse molecular structure?
Tech: that could be a good idea for another gadget but right now i can't think of a thing.
Roxy: Tech why don't we work on this at my place i can order a pizza and i am a great cook. Tech smiled at Roxy and they went to her house and they went inside.

*at Roxy's house*

Tech: nice place you got here.
Roxy: thanks Tech i do have my momentss but i don't do the whole Latina thing that's just my family they prefer to decorate the place with Mexican decor, but not me i prefer my way you know a few dark colors here and there.
Tech: not too mention skulls and bats.
Roxy: their just pillows relax you scaredy cat how about some lemonade while we work?
Tech: thanks. Roxy went into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses as she poured lemonade in them then walked into the living room, and set down the glasses she sat down next to Tech as they began working.
Roxy: so what's the design of your invention?
Tech: i was thinking of making the blue prints before i design the machine, but at least i have you beside me Roxy your a good friend. Roxy smiled at him then they both got to work on the blue prints they were getting hungry then Roxy ordered a couple of pizzas, so they could continue working as time went by Roxy fell asleep while working on the blue prints and Tech noticed she had fallen asleep as he looked at the clock.
Tech: wow we were working late i should let Roxy sleep and i should too. Tech laid on the other couch after he covered Roxy with a blanket and put her book on the coffee table.
Tech: good night Roxy.

both Tech and Roxy were good friends and Roxy told the family about him her grandparents were so happy she had a friend, and knew Roxy would be able to great things beside Tech.
Anna: i am so proud of you Mija but when will you tell him about your magic?
Roxy: Abuelita i don't want to loose another friend not again i will tell Tech when i'm ready look i gotta go, i promised Tech i'd help him with his thesis bye  and tell everyone i said hi. after Roxy had gotten off the phone with her Abuelita and went to help Tech with the machine.

*at the institute*

Roxy: sorry i'm late i was talking with my Abuelita.
Tech: it's fine Roxy but i'm glad your family thinks we'll great things together, they might be right. Roxy smiled as she put on protective goggles and got to work then handed a tool to Tech and he smiled at Roxy.

*end of flashback*

Roxy: all i need is a few weeks or maybe a month and i will be able to rejoin the team, just wait for me Tech and i promise i will come back. Roxy went inside her Moms old hide out and trained to control her dark powers, she was progressing and knew it would be less than what she thought.
Zadavia: focus Roxy remember what your Mother taught you.
Roxy: right. Roxy focused and saw a target coming and blasted it then saw she was doing better.

*six weeks later*

Zadavia: your ready now hurry and go help the team.
Roxy: right and thank you Zadavia. Roxy ran and went to help the team.

*in Acmetropolis*

Roxy used her magic to fly and blasted Mastermind so she couldn't hurt the team.
Mastermind: so your back?
Roxy: you got that right fat head! and i told you before to stay away from my man no one hurts my coyote i put up with shadowbots aliens and power crazed villains but you your the worst! Mastermind fought Roxy and she blasted her then used a binding spell which blocked Masterminds powers and Roxy glared at Mastermind.
Mastermind: one dog fighting for another how pathetic.
Roxy: (growls) shut it and i'm a wolf Mallory! Roxy snapped her fingers to send Mastermind back to prison then Roxy ran over and healed Tech due to how hurt he was, then put her hands on his chest to help Tech as Roxy kissed his forehead. Tech's eyes fluttered open and saw Roxy above him as she smiled at him and helped Tech up from the ground, as they both looked at each other then Roxy was hugged by the team as she smiled at them.
Lexi: we were all worried about you Roxy.
Roxy: Lex relax i was gone for six weeks but i'm sorry if i worried you guys. right before anyone could answer Tech pulled Roxy into his arms and she hugged him back.

Tech: let's go home you and i are going to talk.
Roxy: oh boy i hope it's a not a bad talk. they all went back to HQ then Roxy was asked to follow Tech and they were in the lab Roxy was nervous about what Tech wanted to talk about.

*in the lab*

they both walked into the lab and Roxy leaned against the computer and looked up at Tech feeling nervous.
Tech: you haven't been this nervous since you helped me with my thesis. Roxy i'm not mad at you i was worried sick about (holds Roxy in his arms) i'm just glad your safe. Roxy smiled and leaned her head on Tech's chest then looked up at him and he decided to do something different Tech dipped Roxy which made her squeal and giggled at Tech.
Roxy: what has gotten into you? this isn't like you Tech and i really like it i have a feeling your being romantic Tech, you sly coyote. Tech smirked and kissed Roxy as she kissed him back then moved her arms around his neck they both shared a passionate kiss until the door to the lab opened and they both broke apart and saw Rev and Ace come inside.
Ace: are we interupting something?
Roxy: (sheepishly smiles) uh no.
Tech: is it wrong for me to kiss my girlfriend?
Rev: no but when are you love birds going to join us in the living room? both Tech and Roxy looked at each other but Tech had other plans with his girlfriend.
Tech: actually i was going to take Roxy out on a date i was thinking we could go join her family for dinner for me and her.
Roxy: they want to see us so i hope you don't mind Ace?
Ace: not a problem you two go enjoy yourselves.

*at the Wolf Family manor*

everyone was enjoying themselves and Roxy was tackled by her younger cousins and hugged the kids close, then was helped up by Tech as they both went to the dining room.

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