chapter 21

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it had been a few weeks since the funeral and Roxy hasn't left her room Tech was in the lab worried about her and couldn't think straight, he went to check on Roxy only to see she was still hiding in their room.
Tech: Roxy you haven't come out in days and (sniffs air) you need a shower.
Roxy: leave me alone Tech i don't want to come out i look like a wreck.
Tech: this isn't healthy for you please come out and we could do something with Amaya, you know as a family. Roxy hid more under the covers and continued to cry Tech put his hand on Roxy's back then had enough of her hiding then grabbed Roxy's hand.
Tech: you are getting out of this room rather you like it or not!
Roxy: leave me alone Tech i don't want to leave our room i'm to much of a mess now go away and let me grieve! Tech growled and pulled Roxy out of bed as she screamed and tried ot get away from him the rest of the team heard the noise and wondered what was going on, only to see Tech grabbing Roxy by her waist as she was struggling against him.
Amaya: Daddy what're you doing?
Duck: whew what is that smell?
Roxy: that would be me bird brain.
Ace: Roxy you really need to get out of this room it's not healthy and you could really use a shower.

Roxy: (growls) why don't you all just leave me alone i'm upset five years ago i finally get my Dad back but now he's gone!
Rev: Roxy calm down your dark flames. Roxy calmed down and sat down on the bed with tears in her eyes then felt a hand on her shoulder only to see it was Ace, as he looked at her with a look of concern.
Ace: you really need to try and be strong Marcus loved you Roxy he did what he could to protect you and Amaya, he's still in your heart and memories never forget that.
Roxy: i how can i be strong Ace i lost my Dad he was the only one i had left since Mom died, i didn't think i would loose him like this it's just don't know what to do anymore.
Tech: then let us help you Roxy your my wife we swore to be there for each other.
Roxy: i know and i'm sorry my emotions took over and i let the grief take control of me i just don't know anymore.
Lexi: well first off let's get you out of this room and get you a shower. Roxy asked everyone to leave the room so she could shower Roxy went to get a shower and she was thinking about what everyone said then knew they were right, after Roxy had gotten out of the shower she put her uniform on and walked out of her room.

*in the living room*

Rev was playing some air hockey by himself while Ace and Lexi were playing some pool while Amaya was next to Tech as he was reading her a story, they all heard the door open and saw Roxy come in Amaya walked up to Roxy and hugged her waist as Roxy hugged her little girl back.
Lexi: you doing alright now?
Roxy: yeah i guess i am but still nothing can replace my Dad he was like my best friend before i met all of you guys, look i'm going to train so i can get back in shape since i was laying in bed for weeks. so let me know if something's wrong. Roxy went to train and knew she had to get back in the game she fought each and every single hover disk then faced holograms of ninjas as she was getting better, then fell to the ground as she was hit by ninja then blasted the hologram with her magic.

*mini time skip*

it had been hours since Roxy began training then the simulator was turned off and Roxy turned to see who had turned off the combat simulator.
Tech: been at for hours huh?
Roxy: (pants) yeah you did great creating this Tech but it's a work out whew (whips away sweat) i needed this, but to be honest i'm still not myself i'm sorry if i worried you guys.
Tech: at least your you again but come on how about you and me go out tonight just us two.
Roxy: we haven't done that in a long time so okay i appreciate what your trying to do Tech how did i get you so lucky to have, you as my husband?
Tech: just lucky i guess now go get a shower your really sweaty.
Roxy: oh gee thanks smart mouth. Roxy went to get another shower and she put on a dress then put on some heels as she put on a choker, then walked out to see how Amaya was doing.
Roxy: okay i really appreciate you guys watching Amaya while me and Tech are out i'm really surprised he booked us a reservation at, a good place but i just don't want anything to ruin this night. Tech walked out and stood next to Roxy as she put his hands on her shoulders.
Tech: and nothing will so it's a good thing we're going out tonight.
Duck: you both have nothing to worry about we're going to make sure nothing happens to Amaya.
Roxy: thanks Duck. (kisses Amaya's head) alright you be good sweetheart.
Amaya: okay Mommy. both Tech and Roxy left before they were late.

*in New China Town*

Tech and Roxy were enjoying themselves but then saw the festival happen and watched what was going on.
Roxy: i'm glad we came down here.
Tech: i agree but Roxy i feel so happy to have you as my wife and i'm a really lucky coyote, to have a wolf like you as my wife. Tech kissed Roxy's hand as she blushed and smiled at Tech then kissed him as he kissed her back they both pulled away and went on a walk, then went back to Loonatics HQ.

*at HQ*

the couple both walked in to see everyone was watching TV.
Roxy: hey guys we're back.
Lexi: hey how was your night out?
Tech: it was good and i think it helped Roxy relax.
Roxy: (rolls eyes) so how was Amaya?
Ace: she was good we ordered pizza for dinner and well she asked for a story and well i told her one of how got together as a team.
Lexi: then the kiddo was out like a light.
Tech: (chuckles) that's our girl well i'm glad she's in bed and didn't stay up she has science lessons tomorrow and she needs all her energy.
Roxy: don't we all know it. Roxy kissed Tech and took off her shoes then went to her room but was picked up by Tech bridal style and she smiled then put her arms around Tech's neck.

*next day*

Amaya was getting ready for her science lesson then saw Tech coming as he smiled at Amaya.
Tech: alright Amaya you ready for your science lesson?
Amaya: yes Daddy. Amaya sat down and her lesson began as Tech showed Amaya what to do and she did great but got shocked by a few wires.
Tech: careful Amaya how's your finger?
Amaya: it hurts a little but i'm okay.
Tech: i think that's enough for today now why don't you go play and you know tomorrow is going to be a special day.
Amaya: yeah i know and i can't wait! Amaya ran to her room while Tech chuckled as Amaya ran out of the room then Roxy came in and put her hands around Tech's shoulders as they, watched the door close as they both smiled.
Roxy: well i think i should start getting things ready for tomorrow.

*tiny time skip*

Roxy: well everything is up and now we just have to wait until tomorrow.
Tech: hard to believe our little girl six years old tomorrow i just never thought she'd get so big so fast.
Roxy: i know but not every parent wants their kid to grow up so fast. but i have some more things to do.
Tech: where do you think your going. Tech grabbed Roxy by her waist and she fell onto Tech's lap as she was surprised by what happened and smiled at her husband.
Roxy: did you really have to grab me by my waist? (chuckles) Tech what is going on with you?
Tech: what can't a guy get a kiss from his wife? Roxy playfully rolled her eyes and kissed Tech as he kissed her back then pulled apart as they heard something and knew it was Ace calling for them.
Roxy: what is it Ace?
Ace: where are you love birds at?
Tech: in the lab why?
Lexi: we need some help down here Massive is being a pain in the butt right now! and worst part is we have the Stomper here too!

Roxy: we are on our way! good thing we got a babysitter. they both ran to join the fight and knew it would be tricky Roxy pushed Tech out of the way and got grabbed by the Stomper.
Roxy: get your hand off of me!
Loonatics: ROXY!
Stomper: give us what we want or else the wolf is done for! Roxy screamed in pain as she was being crushed by the Stomper then felt something releasing the Stomper's grip on Roxy and she landed on her feet then blasted him.
Roxy: didn't your Mother ever teach any manners that's no way to treat a lady! as they were all done fighting Roxy saw something heading towards Ace and she pushed him out of the way then got hit by it.

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