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I know it's been a hot minute but the newest chapter of The Wallflower has arrived!! Thank you for being so understanding as I chose not to post in solidarity with the WGA strike.

Don't worry, I'm already working on the next chapter so you won't have to wait 20,000 years for it 💀

Anywho! Enjoy!

They sat at the table staring at the envelope in silence, the only sound was Penelope's quiet sobs. She was terrified to open it because what could Marina possibly say on her deathbed? Nothing good, Penelope assumed.

"Penelope, you need to read it." Colin spoke softly after a few minutes. Penelope shook her head and looked at him. Tears spilled down her face.

"I don't think I can," she sighed as she returned her gaze to the envelope. Colin wanted to scream. Here was the solution to their problems and she just refused to accept it. He shook his head and disbelief.

"I don't understand you at all," he muttered, pushing up off the table. Penelope's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Her temper was rising as was his. Colin turned to look at her.

"This letter could fix everything. It could absolve your guilt, and could fix our marriage. This could be the answer to everything and you refuse to even try." He was tired of fighting with her about the same thing every single day. "This is exactly why I'm leaving. I can't keep this marriage alive by myself. I need you to put effort into it. I need you to fight for me and you refuse to."

Tears sprang to his eyes as he left the dining area and retreated to his room. Penelope was left sitting at the table once again, mulling over Colin's words. She knew he was right, but part of her just wasn't ready to fight the pain in her heart. Even if it meant losing the most important person in her life.

Later that evening Colin laid in bed and stared at the ceiling as he listened to the rain pound against the window. Every so often thunder would rumble through the house and the wind would howl in response. His heart was torn with the entire situation. Part of him thought he'd been too harsh with her. She was grieving, obviously. But the other part of him was tired of being alone. He loved her more than anything and she was just hellbent on pushing him away. That was no way to live.

He rolled over and closed his eyes, trying to force his brain to shut down so he could get some sleep. He focused on the patter of the rain and slowed his breathing down and it seemed to be working as he slowly drifted into the pillow. Then, his eyes shot open when he heard the door to his bedchambers creak open.

Colin held his breath as the intruder crept inside quietly. Soon, he felt the other side of the bed sink under the weight of them. He could feel their eyes on his form, but he refused to turn over just yet. Finally, after an eternity, he felt a hand touch his shoulder, shaking him slightly.

"Colin," Penelope's voice came softly as she pushed on his form. Colin sighed and turned over to look at her. His throat went dry when he saw she'd been crying. "I'm...I'm sorry. For everything."

Colin nodded silently. "I know you are. And I wish that was enough, but it's not. Unfortunately, it's not." Penelope nodded in agreement.

"I know," she whispered as her hand trailed up his shoulder. They hadn't had any physical interaction in months and she missed him desperately.

"Can..." her voice trailed. Colin raised an expectant brow.

"What is it?" He urged her on.

"Can we just have tonight? One last night to love each other and forget all of our problems. One more night before you leave?" She all but begged. Tears sprang to her eyes as she stared into his eyes.

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