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A/N: this is another long one but again a lot needed to happen for the story to progress and it's very dialogue heavy I'm sorry.
T/W: acts of physical abuse, mentions history of abuse

At precisely six o'clock, Mrs. Featherington climbed the steps to the Bridgerton London home with her two daughters in tow. They were greeted by the Bridgerton butler, Wickham, who led them to the drawing room where the entire Bridgerton clan was conversing. Daphne and Simon were seated next to each other, talking with Violet Bridgerton who was holding their son Augie. Daphne's face lit up when she saw Penelope enter.

"It is such a pleasure to see you all again, Mrs. Featherington, Miss Prudence, Miss Penelope." Daphne said as she stood. Portia dipped into a low curtsy pulling prudence down with her. "It's our pleasure, Your Grace." She said enthusiastically.

She went around the room greeting each Bridgerton properly. Penelope rolled her eyes at her mother's masquerade. Portia had lectured her and Prudence about being on the best behavior in front of the Duke and Duchess as well as the Viscount and Viscountess. This was a private meeting away from the eyes of the ton but they still had to be proper.

Colin chuckled at the spectacle himself before strutting towards Penelope and giving her hand a kiss. "Pleasure seeing you again, Miss Featherington." He smiled at her and it made her heart flutter. She was curious though as to why he was being so formal, but soon realized the only ones who know of their engagement were her family and his brother and sister in law. They would have to announce it at dinner along with her other news. She didn't know which piece of news she was more nervous about revealing. She just knew it was going to be an eventful night to say the least.

Violet made her way to Penelope and gave her a warm smile. "I have no idea what this meeting is to be about but I am so very happy to have you join us. Kate said you were not feeling well earlier. I hope you have recovered." She said patting Penelope's hands. Penelope smiled warmly at her future mother-in-law. She'd always admired Violet Bridgerton, for how kind she was to everyone she met. "I'm feeling fine, a bit nervous to see how the night unfolds, but good otherwise. Thank you for having us. You and your family have always been so welcoming to me all these years, I'd like you to know how much I appreciate it."

Colin took her hand and squeezed it. "We wouldn't have it any other way." Violet looked between them with a sparkle in her eye but simply nodded in agreement with her third born. "Colin is right. You've always fit in so naturally amongst us. We're always happy to include you, dear." Just then Portia erupted into loud laughter at something the Duke had said. Simon simply smiled a polite smile and glanced around for anyone to save him. Violet chuckled. "If you'll excuse me I better go save His Grace, from your...spirited mama." Penelope blushed from embarrassment, as Violet made her way over to Portia.

Colin turned her towards him and pulled her close to him. "You look ravishing in this dress, Pen." He whispered as his eyes took in the soft pink frock she was wearing. Penelope blushed and Colin noticed how her skin flushed to match the color of the silk. He watched as her blush spread down her neck to her cleavage, before disappearing below the fabric of her dress.

"Colin, not here. Our families are present." Penelope said quietly scanning the room to make sure no one was watching them. To her relief they were all too busy conversing with each other to notice them. "I know. They're the only thing stopping me from ripping that dress off of you with my teeth and devouring your body." Penelope gasped and covered he hand with her mouth. Colin chuckled and brushed his hand along the sleeve of her dress. He was about to tell her more of what he wanted to do to her when Anthony interrupted everyone.

"Dinner is ready everyone! Who's hungry?" He said loudly for all of them to hear. Colin spoke up in response. "I know I am!" He grinned at Penelope and she swatted his arm. Benedict chimed in as they filed out of the drawing room into the formal dining area. "You're always hungry Colin." Scattered laughter filled the dining room as everyone took their seats.

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