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*looks around the corner from my hiding place to see the mob of angry readers waiting for this update*


So ummm things have been crazy the last few weeks and I'm really sorry this has taken so long. This chapter was so insanely hard to write and I'm still not 100% happy with it (it's probably the worst chapter I've written imo) but I couldn't make y'all wait another moment. And y'all told me just to kick it out and update it so here goes.

This chapter has been the chapter from hell. If refused to come together and I rewrote it like 200 million times. It has completely changed from the first draft.

I'm really sorry it is so short and subpar but I have to move on from this chapter or I'll never finish. Hopefully later on I can come back and fix it but right now this will have to suffice. But be warned it's bad lol like really bad. It's only 3 scenes long 😅😅

Thank all of y'all for being so patient and I'm sorry to break hearts but the next few chapters are gonna have a lot of angst. Also we only have 6 more chapters of this story and I'm so heart broken. I don't want it to end 😫😫😫 but it must! I hope you enjoy this monstrosity of a chapter though 🙂

Mrs. Penelope Bridgerton,

I regret to inform you that your cousin, Marina, has passed away. She had been sick for quite some time. The tea she consumed while in London contained a substance that caused her lungs to become infected. Her condition worsened over time and I urged her to tell you when you and the Bridgertons visited us but she did not want to distress you both. Please accept my deepest condolences.

The funeral will be held at Romney Hall in a fortnight. Please send word of your attendance so proper accommodations and rooms can be prepared.

Sir Phillip Crane

The carriage jostled along the road towards Romney Hall. The journey had been spent in complete silence much like the last two weeks had been. Colin felt sick to his stomach as he looked over at Penelope, who sat next to him. She was dressed in all black and she had a permanent somber look on her face.

The same look that darkened her features the day they had received the letter. He was heartbroken of course but Penelope was beside herself. She sobbed for hours until her voice was hoarse and the only thing that could escape her mouth were broken whispers of cries.

Colin held her that whole first day and then she retreated to her own separate bed chambers. She refused to leave for anything including food. The maids had to take broth up to her and practically force it down her throat. Colin didn't know what to do. He tried to comfort her but every time he tried to touch her she would pull away.

When he would speak she would roll over in bed and cry again, so after a few days he let her have her space but he was hurting inside as well. He missed his wife. He missed her smile and her warmth. He missed her soothing voice and more than anything, he missed her touch.

He reached over slowly and placed his hand onto hers. Penelope tensed suddenly and pulled her hand away. Colin sighed as he returned his hand to its place on his thigh. He looked at her again and shook his head.

"Pen, please," he sighed quietly. "Talk to me."

"Not now." She replied just as quietly. This angered Colin.

"Not now? Not now?!" His voice rose slightly. "It's been two weeks, Penelope. If 'not now' then when?!" Penelope whipped her head around to look at him. Tears spilled down her face as she spoke.

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