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A/N: Thank y'all SO much for being so freaking patient with me! I really wanted do good with these next three chapters so I didn't want to rush just so y'all could read them. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and I hope the twist included isn't too out there!! And as always thank you so much for reading and supporting this story!

The following day, Penelope found herself surrounded in a flurry of chaos. Servants were bustling around Number 5 in preparations for her and Colin's engagement ball. It felt strange to her, to have the engagement ball the day before the wedding, but Violet had insisted on celebrating their engagement.

She was still reeling from her meeting with Marina. She had been so relieved to see that Marina was alright after everything that happened. Although she could tell something was off with her cousin, she just didn't know what. Colin had brushed it off as a bit of tension from everything but Penelope couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it.

"Penelope?" She was brought out of her thoughts as she looked up at Violet, who was holding up a bouquet of flowers. "What do you think of this one?"

Penelope examined the bouquet in her hand and smiled. Clusters of blue, yellow and pink flowers sprang out at her from every direction. It was beautiful and elegant and...perfect. She nodded her head. "I like that one!"

Violet smiled and handed the bouquet to a maid, instructing her to tell the florist what arrangements they had decided upon. When she was finished she turned back to Penelope and sighed. "You look tired, my dear." Penelope smiled softly. "I haven't been sleeping very well, if I'm being honest. Nervous about the ball and the wedding. All of it really. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a burden."

Violet shook her head. "Don't be silly. It's perfectly normal to have butterflies before you get married. So much excitement and chaos and planning. It can get hard to breathe sometimes." Penelope nodded her head. "Yes, exactly. Just excited for it to all calm down. I've never been one for the center of attention. As you very well know." Violet smiled.

"Why don't you go lie down on the daybed. I can finish up here. You were still partial to the spice cake, were you not?" Penelope nodded as she stood up. "Yes, it was mine and Colin's favorite although I think all of them were his favorite." Violet laughed and she patted Penelope's arm softly.

"I'm so very glad you two are together. You balance one another, much like Edmund and I. The wanderer and the wallflower." A soft smile played on her lips as she walked out of the drawing room to tell the bakers about the cake.

Penelope smiled at the thought of her and Colin being like Violet and Edmund. Colin's parents had the most beautiful loves she'd ever witnessed. It broke her heart knowing they didn't have more time with each other. She shook the sad thought away and made her way to the daybed that sat at the edge of the room.

She had just laid back and closed her eyes, when the door opened and someone entered. She thought it was Violet coming back in but a few seconds later she felt a strong hand caress her cheek and she smiled. When she opened her eyes, she was met with Colin's brilliant blue ones and he smiled shyly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

Penelope shook her head. "You didn't. I was just laying down when you came in. I was going to take a nap." Colin smiled brightly. "Mind if I join you?"

Penelope sat up. "What if someone comes in?" She asked cautiously. "Penelope we're getting married tomorrow. I don't think anyone will care if they see us napping together." He laughed as he sat next to her and began unlacing his boots.

Penelope smiled when he took his coat off and started unknotting his cravat. With a huff, Colin finally finished and then he arranged the pillows for both of them and laid back on the daybed. He placed one arm behind his head and raised the other one inviting Penelope to snuggle into him. She smiled and laid her head on his chest, wrapping her arm around his torso.

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