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A/N: The wedding is here!!! FINALLYYYYY!!! I feel like we've all waited for this chapter for SOOOO long (mostly cause I've taken so damn long to write it. Oops! Sorry!) but to make up for the wait, this chapter is LONG I mean REALLY LONG (7.1k words to be exact 😬😅) Be warned there are some REALLY emotional scenes ahead. But I wanted to include those deeper moments as well as the lighthearted ones too and so much needed to happen! I actually cut a lot back so hopefully it's not too long.

This chapter also includes a LOT of my own personal head canons, especially about Colin and his relationship/trauma with Edmund. I got feedback and was told it wasn't too much so hopefully y'all like what I came up with!! And as always, I want to thank each and every single one of you for giving me and this lil fic so much love!! It means the world to me to know that y'all are enjoying this as much as I'm enjoying writing it!!

Shoutout to all of my betas and other peeps who have helped get this chapter to perfection!! I honestly couldn't have done it without y'all. Especially you Leigh!! Ok enough babbling! On with the show!!!

(PS when you see a row of ******** start playing A Thousand Years by Brooklyn Duo at the 3:24 minute mark if you want. You can thank me later)

Colin woke with the morning Sun and he was overcome with joy. Today was the day he would marry the love of his life, his best friend, his entire world, his Penelope. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

He was climbing out of the bed in Benedict's guest chambers when the door swung open. Anthony and Benedict charged in and tackled him to the ground. "Happy Wedding Day, baby Col!!" Anthony yelled as he wrestled Colin around. Colin got his bearings and flipped them over. Anthony was fast but no one was a match for Colin's strong thighs. It was why Anthony's choice of sport was fencing.

Colin maneuvered around and placed Anthony into a chokehold for a few seconds before Anthony tapped out. "I'm not a baby anymore. If anything, Benny here is the baby now. He's the only one of us who's unmarried." Colin stood up and poked Benedict in the chest. "Easy, Casanova. You're not married yet." Benedict poked Colin back.

Colin laughed "Might as well be. You honestly think something will change in the next few hours to prevent it?" Benedict shrugged. "Maybe she'll leave you at the altar for her secret lover." Colin rolled his eyes. "I am her secret lover, you ninny." Benedict lunged at him but Colin sidestepped out of the way.

"Alright now children. Let's not murder each other on such an important day." Anthony said, stepping in between them. He turned to Colin. "Now, get dressed cause God knows you will take forever. Gotta make sure your hair is perfect for your wittle girlfriend." He teased, pulling at Colin's messy curls.

Colin swatted his hand away. "Wife." He replied walking to the mirror and running his fingers through his hair. Benedict rolled his eyes and scoffed. "He's never gonna stop saying that. He's going to be even more insufferable now."

Colin nodded and grinned. "I'm marrying Pen, guys. She's going to be my wife. I'm going to be her husband."

It was Anthony's turn to roll his eyes. "Lord help us all."


Penelope was woken up by a flurry of maids. She had barely opened her eyes before she was whisked away to be bathed. She was scrubbed and scraped and shaved. All she could do was sit there and let the maids work their magic.

When she was done being bathed they wrapped her in her robes and rushed her back to her chambers where everything was being laid out for her. She took a moment to run her fingers along the fabric of her wedding dress as Violet walked in. She saw Penelope touching the dress and smiled. "It truly is breathtaking, Penelope. Madame Delacroix out did herself."

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