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Dearest Reader, a grave mistake has been made. A grave mistake indeed. Made by none other than...This Author.

A fortnight ago I exposed a rather scandalous story of one Miss Eloise Bridgerton and a rather unsavory political rally she was reported to have been in attendance of. It has since come to my attention that my sources had been wrong. Not only had they been wrong but they had down right lied in order to pad their pockets.

According to these few individuals, scandals don't always sell papers. Who is involved is said scandal is what makes it worth anything. As it turns out a scandal involving a Bridgerton would thus garner a great deal of money.

These pages were not created to make money nor were they created to create false narratives. I created them to shed light on the rather unsavory aspects of this society and the people who live in it. It is true I have ruined many a reputation but it was always done so in accordance of that was true. My goal was truth Dear Reader, not to sell papers or destroy peoples lives. It was merely to shed light on the truth in an otherwise deceptive society.

The only lie I have told was of who I am under this guise. And it's a guise I shall wear for forever for my own protection. (You lot have a tendency to be revengeful) However, as my guise has now been tainted with the lies of others I can no longer prevail upon the ton to head my every word. And because of that I have decided to retire my quill and I shall bid you all adieu one last time.


Penelope put her quill down on her writing desk and read over her new issue of Whistledown. She had wracked her brain torturously trying to find a way, any way, to make things right with Eloise. And in the end she decided the best course of action was to dismantle the Whistledown name.

Penelope had started the Whistledown papers as a way to express what she wished she could say out loud in public. To expose the inner workings of the ton and the lies that it's residents had grown accustomed to. She had merely been able to listen closely because no one noticed her. But now her alter persona had hurt her best friend. It put her loved ones in danger and she wasn't willing to sacrifice those closest to her for Whistledown.

Penelope picked her quill up again and copied the message exactly before writing a note to Eloise.

Please just read what's inside. Then meet me at the swings at dawn. ~P

She wrote Eloise's name on one of the copies of her last post as Whistledown and tucked the other in the dress for Madame Delacroix. The one for Eloise, she placed securely in the hidden pocket the modiste had sewn into her dress. Penelope then snuck out through the servants entrance, crossed the courtyard, and headed to the Bridgerton's London home.

She circled around the back and scaled up the trellis that led to Eloise's room. She had done this so many time it was second nature. Once she had righted herself on the balcony, she took a deep breath and knocked on the window.


Eloise was awoken by a strange tapping noise on her window. She thought it was just the wind so she turned over to try and fall back asleep but the tapping continued. She reluctantly left the warmth and comfort of her bed and made her way to the window. She pulled back the curtains ready to throttle what ever animal had trapped itself outside but to her surprise it was no animal. It was Penelope Featherington.

She opened the window and hissed "What do you think you're doing!?" She was ready to slam the window shut again but Penelope held something out towards Eloise. "Read this." Was all she said and then she was over the railing, climbing back down the way she came.

The WallflowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora