10) the new deal

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"You have your choice Bloody Mary, screwdriver, brunch in a bottle" Damon said and took a drink.

"Oh, come on Ric I can't drink all this by myself I mean I can but then somebody's getting naked" Damon said. "Don't get any ideas with me" Aurelia said.

"Oh man I can't believe you're making me drink alone" Damon said. "I'm busy" Alaric said. "It's the eve of Klausageddon you're doing homework" Damon said.

"This may come as a shock, but I am not here to hang out with you I am here to see Jeremy who is an hour late for his shift" Jeremy said.

"Kids today" Damon said. "Where are their values" Damon asked.

"What's wrong with Jeremy he is probably the only Gilbert I can stand" Aurelia said and Alaric shown the paper.

"That's his midterm paper copied it straight off the internet didn't even try to it" Alaric said.

"Ooh somebody's getting grounded" Damon said. "Don't be cute" Aurelia told Damon. "Did you say you were waiting for Jeremy as in Jeremy Gilbert" the woman behind the bar asked.

"Yeah" Alaric said. "He was fired last week" she told him and left. "Oops" Damon said. "So much for talking to him" Aurelia said.


Aurelia was playing darts with Damon while Elena tried to get ahold of Jeremy only for his phone to go to voicemail. "Jeremy the minute you get this call me" Elena said and hung up.

"Unbelievable" Elena said. "Man, you're feisty when you're mad" Damon said. "Ugh barf" Aurelia said.

"It's not that I'm mad I'm just I'm worried" Elena said. "Why he lost his job at the grill I think he'll survive Elena" Damon said.

"He's spiraling ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he's moody and he's not really talking to anyone" Elena said. "Just a typical teenager"Damon said.

"Who's seeing ghosts and who's lost everyone that he cares about" Elena said. "Not everyone he still has you" Damon told Elena.

"Maybe you need to give him some space stay out of his business oh wait you can't your life is boring" Aurelia said.

"My life is not boring" Elena said. "Then why are you stringing two brothers along and getting into everyone's business" Aurelia asked. Elena stayed silent before focusing on Demon.

"You okay" Elena asked him. "What makes you think I'm not okay" Damon asked.

"Besides the fact that you're not acting like you" Aurelia said. "You're a day drunk it's not exactly your most attractive look" Elena said.

"What is my most attractive look" Damon asked. "I'm not saying that you have any attractive look I'm just saying this is my least favorite one" Elena said.

"Notes see if I can make any improvements" Damon said.

"Ugh I need to rip someone's throat out just to get this image out of my head" Aurelia sis sand they heard Klaus walk in with one of his hybrids.

"Don't mind me" Klaus said. "Klaus" Elena said. "You're gonna do this in the grill in front of everyone it's a little beneath you don't you think" Damon asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate" Klaus said.

"And make us suffer seeing your presence" Aurelia said. "Get a round then would you Tony" Klaus said to the hybrid he brought and Tony left.

"I'm surprised you stuck in town long enough for happy hour" Damon said.

"My sister seems to be missing" Klaus said. "Any idea about that" Klaus asked.

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