5) The Reckoning

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"Oh, he lives" Rebekah said seeing Stefan wake up. "What happened" Stefan asked. "You took a beating my brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon quite the temper" Rebekah said.

"Where's Aura" Stefan asked. "My brother took her with him he didn't trust her not to break you out of here after knocking her out of course she's a feisty one isn't she I think I like her better than you" Rebekah said.

"Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls" Stefan asked.

"You can stop playing dumb now it didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding" Rebekah said and Stefan stood up.

"I'm not hiding anything I've done everything Klaus has asked me to" Stefan said.

"No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive" Rebekah said, and Stefan was silent for a moment.

"Where is Klaus now" Stefan asked. "With any luck ripping that cow's bloody head off" Rebekah said and Stefan sped Rebekah out of the van pinning her to the ground.

"Where is she" Stefan asked. "You really do love her don't you" Rebekah said and sped Stefan off of her and smacked him across the face with a poll.

"Consider me jealous" Rebekah said and stabbed him in the stomach.


Klaus was dragging Elena by the arm while carrying an unconscious Aurelia over his shoulder heading to the gym after figuring out Elena was alive.

"You put a rather large kink in my plans sweetheart the whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids I haven't been able to do that now my bet is it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing" Klaus said.

"If you're going to kill me just do it" Elena said. "Not until I know I'm right, but I do have ways of making you suffer" Klaus said and went in the gym.

"Attention seniors you have officially been busted prank night is over head on home" Klaus said in an American accent.

"You two" Klaus said going to Dana and Chad. "I remember you" Klaus said.

"I'm sorry who are you" Dana asked. "Oh, don't worry I wasn't in my right head last time we met lift your foot up please Dana" Klaus said compelling her and she did.

"If she drops her foot Chad, I want you to beat her to death understood" Klaus said compelling him.

"Don't Klaus you don't have to hurt anybody" Elena said. "I don't think he really cares doppelgänger" Aurelia said.

"Oh, good your awake" Klaus said and dropped her to the floor. "Okay you could've been a little gentler" Aurelia said and stood up.


"Keep it up" Klaus told Dana and Chad. "Where's Stefan what did you do to him" Elena asked. "Stefan's on a time out" Klaus said.

"So, you call breaking his neck a time out" Aurelia said. "Why didn't you help him" Elena yelled at Aurelia.

"Watch your tone I am still a werewolf I could break you in half without even trying and I did try he knocked me out before I could" Aurelia told Elena.

The door opened, and Bonnie and Matt came in as Elena saw.

"Bonnie get out of here" Elena said and Klaus sped to her.

"Ah I was wondering when you'd show up now, we can get started uh Dana why don't you relax you and Chad sit tight" Klaus said and they did.

"I assume you're the reason Elena is still walking around alive" Klaus said. "That's right if you want to blame someone blame me" Bonnie said.

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