6) saving Caroline

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"Hey sweetie haven't heard from you in a while" Derek said over the phone. "I know I'm sorry things have been crazy" Aurelia said. "It's okay I just miss you" Derek said.

"I miss you too dad" Aurelia said. "So is everything okay do you need any help" Derek asked.

"No, no dad, don't worry I'm fine" Aurelia said. "Hey, I'll see you tomorrow okay" Derek said. "You're coming" Aurelia asked.

"Of course, it is your birthday " Derek said. "Just be careful whoever this Klaus guy is, is still out there" Aurelia said. "Alright I will I love you" Derek said. "Love you too dad bye" Aurelia said.


You brought back John Gilbert" Damon said to Stefan. "That was your big save Elena move" Damon asked.

"You do remember he tried to kill you right" Aurelia asked. "I went to go look for Isobel and I got John instead he said he could help us and we're desperate" Stefan said.

"We're not that desperate Stefan that guy tried to barbecue me" Damon said. "And weirdly I'm in a mood for some barbecue" Aurelia said.

"Damon, Aura, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe" Stefan said.

"I mean do you trust Elijah" Stefan asked. "I don't trust them he's an original he can't be trusted" Stefan said.

"You don't trust anyone who's new in town" Aurelia said and Stefan gave her a look.

"It's not like we could just go up and kill him because apparently he can't die" Stefan said.

"Still waiting for the part where John Gilbert's the answer" Damon said. "He knew about the sacrifice Isobel told him he said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe" Stefan said.

"And how do we do that" Damon asked. "He's not talking at least not to me anyway" Stefan said.

"Do you want me to rip his throat out" Aurelia asked. "That'll get him talking" Aurelia said. "No Aura" Stefan said and Aurelia pouted.

"Great work Stefan top notch as if I didn't have enough problems" Damon said. "I'm sorry about Rose" Stefan said. "Whatever I knew the woman for five minutes" Damon said.

"You cared about her after five minutes oh I wonder what that means" Stefan said.

"It means I care Stefan it means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness" Damon said and Stefan nodded.

"Better watch your back because I may just have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder" Damon said and left when Stefan's phone vibrated.

"Stef" Aurelia said seeing his expression. "Come with me we may have a problem" Stefan said and Aurelia left with Stefan.


"What's wrong" Stefan asked Caroline as soon as he and Aurelia walked in. "Oh, this is Aurelia she's a friend also a werewolf she's been helping us" Stefan said. "Hi" Caroline said to Aurelia.

"Tyler knows about you and Damon" Caroline said to Stefan closing the door.

"He knows that Damon killed Mason I didn't say a word" Caroline said. "It's that woman Jules she had a run in with Damon" Stefan said.

"Tyler was so upset" Caroline said. "He had a right to be I mean his uncle was murdered and he didn't find out till recently along with having his friends or friend lie about it" Aurelia said.

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