2) Katerina

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Aurelia was asleep in her bed when she felt the bed dip. "Get up" the voice said. "Go away Damon" Aurelia said recognizing the voice.

"Come on we need you downstairs Elena is coming" Damon said.

"I could care less about Elena" Aurelia said. "You barely know her" Damon said.

"Don't care she reminds me too much of this girl back home who led one of my best friends on stringing him along when she was still in love with my other best friend, I don't trust her" Aurelia said.

"Would you just come downstairs" Damon asked. "Nothing could make me want to move from this bed ugh I forgot how much I missed this bed" Aurelia said.

"I made pancakes" Damon said and Aurelia sat up. "You didn't" Aurelia said. "I did" Damon said.

"Ugh I missed your pancakes" Aurelia said and got up looking for something to change into.

"Want me to leave" Damon asked. "Why nothing you haven't seen before" Aurelia said and Damon nodded. 

Aurelia changed her clothes and quickly brushed her hair. "So, what's so important" Aurelia asked. "You'll see come on" Damon said and went downstairs with Aurelia following him.


Damon came back downstairs with Aurelia who came in happily eating pancakes. "I got her barely had to bribe her with pancakes" Damon said.

Aurelia rolled her eyes before sitting down eating her pancakes. "Why didn't Stefan go isn't he her best friend" Elena asked.

"We're all best friends doppelgänger Damon just has better luck waking me up" Aurelia said.

"I have a name and it's Elena" Elena said. "Don't care" Aurelia said.

"Ignore her but she's right Damon always had better luck even before they slept together Aurelia, and I are just closer in a way" Stefan said.

"Wait they slept together" Elena asked jealous. "Yea why jealous" Aurelia asked. "No" Elena lied.

"Don't lie I can hear your heartbeat" Aurelia said. "Okay moving on" Stefan said and motioned for Rose to go on.

"Okay you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true that's the problem with all this vampire crap" Rose said.

"Well would you get on with it" Aurelia asked. "I didn't travel here for nothing" Aurelia said.

"But Klaus I know is real" Rose said. "Who is he" Elena asked.

"He's one of the originals he's a legend" Damon said and Aurelia finished her dish and gave it to Damon who rolled his eyes before speeding the plate to the kitchen and speeding back to where he was sitting.

"For an Easter Bunny he was pretty cute" Aurelia said and they all looked at her.

"Don't look at me like that I'm still my father's daughter I will rip all y'all's throats out with my teeth and you know it" Aurelia said.

They all looked back at Rose. "He's a foot solider Klaus is the real deal" Rose said. "Klaus is known to be the oldest" Stefan said. "Okay so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me" Elena said.

"Yes" Rose said. "No" Stefan said. "What they're saying is I mean if what she's saying is true" Damon said. "Which it is" Rose said.

"And you're not just saying it, so we don't kill you" Damon said. "Which I'm not" Rose said.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe" Damon said. "Look Elijah's dead right" Stefan said. "That we're aware of" Aurelia said.

"So, no one else even knows that you exist" Stefan said. "Not that you know of" Rose said. "That's not helping" Damon said. "Look I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him" Stefan said and sat next to Elena. "I mean we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction I mean we don't know what's real for all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story" Stefan said.

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