12) Klaus

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Aurelia was about to walk inside the boarding house but when she opened the door Elijah sped out.

"Elijah" Aurelia said confused and for a split-second Elijah looked at Aurelia. Elijah snapped out of it and went to go inside but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

"Yeah, the house is kind of in Elena's name now" Aurelia said and Elena rushed over and saw Elijah and Aurelia.

"What happened" Elijah asked. "Yeah, I'd like to know too especially since I'll probably have to save you again you know just one day could you stop being your annoying suicidal doppelgänger self" Aurelia said.

"Shh" Elena said and motioned to her ears and pointed upstairs. "I'll tell you not here" Elena whispered.

"Can I trust you" Elena asked whispering. "Can I trust you" Elijah asked whispering. Elena offered Elijah the dagger and Elijah took it. "Well, there's no way I'm missing this" Aurelia said whispering.


"You look better" Elena said after parking the car. "Where did you get the dagger" Elijah asked.

"Or you could just tell him it was your vampire hating vampire hunter uncle daddy" Aurelia said.

"I'll tell you everything, but we have to work together Elijah I need your word" Elena said.

"Your ability to make demands had long passed" Elijah said. "No demands I'm offering you my help and in return I want yours" Elena said. "And why should I consider this" Elijah asked.

"Aside from Aurelia" Elena said. "Don't drag me into this you're lucky I haven't ripped your throat out yet" Aurelia said.

"The same reason that you haven't killed me you need my help to kill Klaus and I need you" Elena told Elijah. Elena's phone started to ring. One of your boyfriends calling you" Aurelia asked.

"Let me guess Stefan" Aurelia said and Elena rolled her eyes. Elena quickly answered her phone.

"Where are you, you okay, is Aurelia with you" Stefan asked. "Yes, I'm fine and yes she's with me" Elena said. "Where's Elijah" Stefan asked. "He's right here" Elena said. "Where" Stefan asked.

"I'm on my way" Stefan said. "No Stefan, Elijah and I need some time alone and Aurelia is with me I'll be fine" Elena said.

"Listen to me he can't be trusted he'll use you to get to Klaus" Stefan said.

"Elijah is a noble man Stefan he lives by a code of honor I can trust him he knows that I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again by removing the dagger I have proven myself" Elena said.

"You and Aurelia can't do this alone" Stefan said. "It's my decision Stefan please respect it and make sure Damon doesn't do anything stupid I'll be in touch" Elena said and hung up.

Elijah held his hand out for Elena's phone and Elena gave it to him.

Elijah put the phone in his pocket. "He's here" Elena said. "Klaus is here" Elijah asked. "He's taken over Alaric's body" Elena said.

"Of course, he has" Elijah said. "You make it sound like this is nothing new" Aurelia said.

"One of his favorite tricks" Elijah said. "Well, what are his other tricks what is he gonna do next" Elena asked.

"Whatever it is, can't be good never is" Aurelia said. "You're the only one who knows him" Elena said. "Yes, I do" Elijah said.


Carol opened the door once Aurelia, Elena, and Elijah arrived. "Elijah, Elena what are you doing here" Carol asked. "And I haven't seen you before" Carol said.

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