10) know thy enemy

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"Isobel just showed up at the front doorstep" Stefan said. "What's she doing here" Damon asked.

"I don't know" Stefan said. "If we did, we would've told you, don't you think" Aurelia said.

"That's what we're gonna find out" Stefan told Damon and they reached Katherine by now. "I don't think that you should tell her that I'm here" Katherine said.

"Aw is the kitty kat scared" Aurelia asked. "Why" Stefan asked. "It's better if she and John, not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb" Katherine said.

"You're the one in cahoots with them you made a deal with John that almost got me killed" Damon said.

"I did what I had to get out of the tomb now I'm reconsidering my alliance" Katherine said.

"Yeah now" Aurelia said. "What do you know" Stefan asked. 

"I know that I want Klaus dead which puts me squarely on team you besides if you two ever need me to swap places with Elena again the less people know that I'm here the better think about it Stefan come on be smart" Katherine said.

"Tell you what why don't you uh call Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep" Stefan told Damon.

"Come on Aurelia let's go" Stefan said and they and left.


"I can't find him anywhere" Caroline said to Stefan over the phone  while Aurelia listened with her super hearing. "He's not at home, he's not answering his phone" Caroline said.

"Well that's what you get for dating a human who can't handle the truth" Aurelia said. "How could you let him go" Stefan asked Caroline.

"My mom walked in and he just took off I didn't know what to do" Caroline said.

"Did your mom hear anything" Stefan asked. "No she just thinks we're fighting but he knows about me and he's freaking out about Vicki" Caroline said.

"Alright listen you have to find him" Stefan said. "The sooner the better and fast" Aurelia said.

"You have to calm him down compel him if you have to" Stefan said. "Is he still on vervain" Stefan asked.

"I slip it into his soda while he's at work, but I didn't get to last night so it's out of his system he has a catering shift at the Lockwood's today I'm gonna try there" Caroline said and hung up.

"Well today is just full of surprises" Aurelia said. "Ah this is bad between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt this is disaster bad" Elena said.

"Yeah" Stefan said. "Well half of this is your fault so and honestly you should have told her the truth to begin with doppelgänger" Aurelia said and John came in the room.

"Oh, look who it is the vampire hater" Aurelia said. "Elena, can you come downstairs please" John asked her. "I need to talk to you" John said.

"Why you gonna kill her" Aurelia asked. "Sorry but if anyone is going to kill her it's me, I have dibs as annoying as she is at least, give me the satisfaction of killing her" Aurelia said.

"I have nothing to say to you" Elena told John. "Please it's important you too Stefan and please Aurelia too" John said.

"I have a feeling I'm gonna regret this" Aurelia said. Stefan, Elena, and Aurelia all got up and followed John downstairs and saw Isobel. "Oh great the vampire mother" Aurelia said.

"I asked John for a do over" Isobel said. "Ugh please don't tell me your as bad as your daughter" Aurelia said.

"Cause one doppelgänger daughter I can barely handle especially when she's playing two of my best friends and a vamp mother, please don't test my patience" Aurelia added.

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