21. Baby Love Feels

Start from the beginning

"With yo annoying ass! Go sit down stupid." She pushes me back again and rejects my obvious display of love and affection.

How she's gonna reject me when I was just trying to crush her. It's not fair. I frown further, feeling more sensitive because of my hormones that have started acting up lately.
I might have to see a doctor to double check my levels since it can give me mood swings and body aches when I don't watch out for foods that make me have too much Testosterone or Estrogen in my system. I've already got too much of both, don't need to make it worse.

"Girl I'll let you lay on me in a minute, I'm just tryna finish this. Stop mugging me." Trina says without looking.

"Mmhhhhmmmmm," I roll my eyes and head to her bed to lay down. I pull my shirt off and hug her pillows until I feel her enter the room and lay on my back while softly trailing her fingers over my biceps- that gentle tickling always feels so nice to me.

My face immediately smiles and I fall asleep, hearing her scroll on TikTok with soft laughs leaving her mouth every once in a while. She's my weighted blanket, I don't care, I need this no matter how soft I feel for loving it. Still a thug though..

"Baby wake up so we can eat."

"Nooooo." I grumble and groan as I try to get a few more minutes in. The sun is up. It's early.

It takes another few tries before she threatens to open my phone and delete my whole camera roll.

"Tree!" I jolt awake and snatch the phone.

"Bruh." Trina deadpans, "why you acting like that? You got bitches?" she frowns but I laugh it off and remind her of the years worth of photos and videos I have saved up. Years of backed up pictures that we took in different stages in life, at dates, at clubs, stuff with Niquey, stuff in private- just overall tons of memories I can't part with.

"I thought you were more concerned about Nique's pictures," she laughs and stands up, pulling a hoodie over her naked chest as I'm reminding her of the past movies we made- of many genres at that... hell we made another of the Adult variety in the middle of the night but I'll be rewatching that one later.

"I was." I stank face her and start laughing when she rolls her eyes. "Causeee..." I pull her into my lap and shift around in bed, ".. we can remake those other stuff any day baby. I got you always." I kiss her cheek but she pushes my face and scrunches hers up.

"Ugh, give yo self five minutes or something damn." she remarks about my breath. I suck my teeth and help her stand up before getting up myself and throwing on a pair of sweatpants.

I go to the bathroom and start my morning with her doing the same, unable to keep her hands off me as I keep splashing her with water. Almost pops me twice but I'm chill. She doesn't actually hit me, she just pretends she would since I like to get on her nerves the same way she likes to get on mine. Plus, I'm the one who taught her how to fight so she tries to test if I'm still quick.

We both have a day off and I don't have to go to the trap house today, which is great. I was getting annoyed with Trace for showing up again. Almost everyday now, I'm seeing him and he's trying to get more for his money as if it's some kind of bargain issue.

Regardless, I'm having a jolly good time with Trina- pretending to help her cook some fancy shit for breakfast. I don't even know what's going on but I'm being supportive and recording the process while sneaking kisses every few minutes.

My heart just feels so much lighter with us being together now, differently than before. We were always together but now it's real and healthier than ever before. I'm just so glad to have gotten some stuff off my chest that I only gave glimpses of in the past. Trina was transparent about her feelings all throughout our conversation a few days ago and I just feel better that we have once again reaffirmed our feelings for each other and how we want to go about them.

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