"That's what I wanted to hear." Phoebe stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Alright.." She patted his chest. "I'm going to get ready. I'll meet you downstairs!"

"See you later Phoebe," he smiled and watched her go before he closed the door shut.

-= ⭐️ ⭐️ =-
(Bob decides to spend a day with his best friend, Jay.)

Meanwhile, the rest of the group sat in the sunroom, finishing off their pikelets. The group had their eyes focused on the projector which played a romantic comedy show on the screen. So far, the group is on the third episode of the second season.

Gilbert frowned when the credits played. "I don't get this show. Why is it so hyped up?"

"It's because of the love triangle, Gilberta." Lizzy, who suggested the show, sighed. "People watch this show to pick between Team Jacob or Team Harry."

"It's so stupid though!" Gilbert sat up straighter and gestured to the screen. "What's the point of having a show with a stupid love triangle? Love triangles are a stupid trope!"

"Gilbert, you and Giselle were in a love triangle too." Sabrina rolled her eyes. "With me."

"Yeah, but I ended up winning. Giselle has Arlen now."

"Who also was in a love triangle with Levin and Lily. But theirs was much worse." Sienna pointed out. "Also just realised. All three House three members have some connection to a love triangle."

"Can we get back on the topic?" Gilbert waved a hand. "In the end love triangles are stupid. They just put people against each other."

"For drama," Lizzy stated. "It'll get the audiences watching and talking."

"For a show. Not for real life." Gilbert shook his head. "Would be better if everyone could be in a relationship together. It'll work wonders."

"You..." Skyler popped an eyebrow upwards. "You do realise that for that to work, all the people involved must consent to it, right?"

"Of course, I know that! Duh! But either way, love triangles are horrible." Gilbert raised his voice, matter of factly. "It would be better if everyone dates each other or the one involved pulls a reverse card or something. Love triangles are the worst romance trope I have ever laid my eyes on."

"Gilbert, love triangles are nothing compared to several others. There are worse tropes than that. Ones that I cannot name because it is horrible." Vincent shivered at the thought.

"I know exactly what you are talking about and I hate those too. Oh look there's Tyler and Phoebe. Hey, you two!"

"Hey!" Tyler and Phoebe entered the sunroom holding their paper plates with a small stack of pikelets. Tyler's stack had butter and golden syrup that oozed down from top to bottom. Phoebe's plate also had golden syrup but hers was accompanied by raspberries and blueberries. The two took their spots behind the couch.

"Hey Tyler and Phoebe, how was your time together?" Alyssa smirked. "Heard that you two slept in the same room."

Vivian ended up smacking her paperback book on her best friend's forehead. "Don't ask questions like that!"

"Ow! OK, I'll stop asking those questions."

"Wait what?" Pete turned to the couple. "Aren't you together for five or six months?"

"Five or six?" Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. They got together on Christmas and it's May now. But either way isn't that rushing things?"

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