Chapter 26- mahabharat Day 2

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I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

       - author


First rays of sunshine and the sound of a conch, thousands of soldiers screaming in pain and agony but still fighting, yes it was the second day of the war

Yesterday's battle resulted in our defeat after mahamahim ruthlessly finished thousands of our soldiers

Pitashree has realised that to reverse the pandavas losses, we need to target mahamahim bheeshm, so pitashree and mahamahim engage in a fierce battle, while senapati drishtdyum and guru dron duel

Guru dron defeats senapati drishtdyum who is rescued by kakashree bheem

I continue my battle against the kaurava army, while yuvraj duryodhan orders troops of kalinga to attack kakashree bheem

Kakashree bheem kills most of the troops, along with the king of kalinga.
Mahamahim bheeshm comes to relieve the battered kalinga forces

Satyaki who was assisting kakashree bheem, shoots an arrow towards mahamahim bheeshm's charioteer this killing him.

Mahamahim bheeshm's horses bolt and carry him away from the battlefield.

Thats how the second day mostly went

Due to kakashree bheem killing the king of kalinga and most of the kalinga troops, we reigned victorious on the second day.

Everyone at camp was celebrating our first win and laughing but I was far from happy as certain thoughts started clouding my mind


I was thanking my luck that I didn't run into vrish for 2 days but I didn't know how long I could keep this going for, growing impatient, I made my way to pitamahi's tent

"Pitamahi, how much longer! Aren't you afraid of pitashree or tatshree killing one of the other!" I asked pitamahi desperation lacing my words

"I fear the day that might happen, but if I tell the truth everything will be lost and my own family would start hating me, I was too a victim of the society" said pitamahi helplessly

"So you can bear one of your sons dying but not being hated for a short amount of time? Judging how much pitashree and kakashree love you, they'll probably stay mad for a while but forgive you eventually!"

"But I-I can't face putra karna, what will he say? Its too hard"

"Truth is only harsh if your unable to face it. Pitamahi, you fear what would happen when tatshree finds out the truth, but have you ever feared what would happen when he finds out the truth through someone other than you? That would make it even worse"

"I-I'm trying my best, I will tell putra karna before he arrives on the battlefield.. I promise"

"I trust you pitamahi"

After talking with pitamahi, I felt much lighter. "She promised, breaking an oath is a sin" after she promised me, I was sure things would finally fall into place

Feeling much better, I drifted off to sleep, ready for tomorrow's battle

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

Abhi, confronted kunti once again! Do you think she'll stick to her promise?
Read more to find pit if she does and what happens on the 3rd day of the war

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