Chapter 15- marriage

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Abhimanyu pov
I'm so nervous! When is uttara going to come

Abhimanyu was sitting at the mandap waiting for uttara to arrive, then suddenly the soldiers announced the arrival of the bride

And then Uttara made her way to the mandap looking like a practical goddess, with a slight blush on her face and lashes lowered, she slowly sat beside Abhimanyu

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu couldn't take his eyes off Uttara and was just staring at her with wide eyes and an open mouth

Then someone places their hand on Abhimanyu's shoulder and whispers in his ears

"Quit staring abhi, you look like an idiot, and for the love of god close your mouth"

"Huh" Abhimanyu immediately jerked awake and started to look embarrassed

Then the pandit proceeds with the remaining wedding rituals

(I'm only busy eating in weddings, so I don't know all the rituals but let's just say after like 2 hours the wedding is done and then everyone goes to their chambers. Sorry for the lack of detail)

Subhadra *sad sigh*

Krishna: "subhi, what happened, why are you sad? You should be happy abhi has gotten married"
Said krishna with a smile, cause he already knows what his priya behen is thinking

Subhadra: bhrata, its just abhi got married and I couldn't even be present at my own sons wedding, I wish I could've also been there

Kunti: yes kanha, I also wish to see my grandson get married but I guess It's not written in my fate
Kunti said looking dull

Krishna: O bua, do you think abhi would be happy to see you to look so upset on his wedding day? I'm sure he also wishes for his family to be present on his wedding, but there are just some things that we can't do about. And on bright side, abhi will be arriving in Dwarka tomorrow evening with his new bride, do you not want to welcome your daughter in law subhi? And there are still many rituals after marriage which will be completed here in Dwarka.

Subhadra: You are right bhrata! I'll go and prepare to welcome my son and daughter. There shall be nothing missing in their grand welcome!

Kunti: Yes putri, I'll accompany you too.

Kunti and subhadra made there way out of the room leaving kanha alone

"The true journey has just begun abhi"

Krishna said to himself before dozing off

Thanks for reading!

Yay! Finally abhi and uttara got married!!
But soon they'll have to leave matsya, also leaving behind vrish and karna😢 what'll happen then? Read more find out!

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