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The next day

It was time for breakfast, with the entire yadav family and Abhimanyu, sitting and eating peacefully, but behind abhimanyu's calm facade was actually a distressed person, as he was still trying to think what he could do and how would he do it in the first place, then suddenly subhadra spoke up, gaining everyone's attention..

Subhadra: We recently got an invitation from the matsya kingdom regarding their princess, Uttara's swayamvar, abhi I think you should take part as it would be disrespectful to turn down their offer

(Note: look I know this swayamvar thing didn't happen in the real mahabharat but I'm just gonna be changing some stuff to make this story more interesting)

Abhimanyu pov
I started choking on.. whatever I was eating as soon as I heard mata, swayamvar? I'm trying to help my father's arch nemisis, prevent his death and save pitashree from committing a grave sin! And here mata wants me to get married? I can't, I'm only 15, I'll have many opportunities later, after I get out of this mess!

"But mata don't you think I'm to young to get married?" I said cautiously with uncertainty

"Abhi, I know you might not feel the best about marriage right now, but taking part in a swayamvar doesn't necessarily mean getting married, though I trust you're abilities, you still might not win the hand of uttara but not going to the swayamvar at all? That would be extremely disrespectful to king virat and matsya is an ally of Dwarka, we cannot disrespect them" Subhadra tried to explain to her son gently, not forcing him but trying to make him understand

After a bit more explaining from my family I had no choice but to leave for matsya kingdom this evening

I really don't want to go, but what mata said was right so I should respect my family's wishes, and seeing all their happy faces when I agreed is making it even harder to refuse now

So, with no other choice I go to pack some necessities as I would staying in matsya kingdom for while before rajkumari uttara's swayamvar.

End of Abhimanyu pov


Krishna: You never know abhi but maybe the journey you've embarked on, will only bring you closer to fulfilling your resolve and a step closer to knowing the whole truth about vrisha. Said krishna with a knowing smile while slowly closing his eyes and swinging on a swing in his chamber. (Krishna calls karna 'vrisha')
A few hours later

Abhimanyu pov
I mount my chariot accompanied by a few soldiers as I take everyone's blessings and head out to matsya kingdom.

The journey isn't long. I'll probably make it till next morning but for some reason I'm getting butterflies in my stomach and it feels like something good is about to happen
Thanks for reading!

Abhimanyu has finally set out to matsya to participate in rajkumari uttara's swayamvar! Do you think he'll be able to win it? And what was krishna talking about? How could going to matsya help abhimanyu be closer to fulfilling his resolve of saving karna? And what does getting to know the whole truth about vrisha means? Continue reading to find out..

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