Chapter 2- secret

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"Putra karna"

I immediately retrieve my foot and stand outside the door with a stiff body and wide eyes.

Why is pitamahi thinking of angraj? Pitashree's enemy, kakashree Duryodhans param mitra (best friend), and the one who disrespected my jyesht mata?

He's not worth occupying pitamahi's thoughts.

But what shocked me even more was why did she call him putra?!?! Why, when he doesn't have any relation to us and even vowed to kill my pitashree, pitamahi's own son?!

And most importantly, why was she crying? Did something happen? Did angraj perhaps hurt her! If so then I won't hesitate to protect my family!

But wait, angraj is in anga and he hasn't come to Dwarka or come in contact with pitamahi since the dyut, plus pitamahi won't be calling angraj 'putra' if he had hurt her. Then what was bothering her?!?

As if knowing my inner turmoil, pitamahi spoke once more but this time with a sense determination and confidence not a helpless cry like earlier. I saw her talking to herself, wiping off her tears and straightening her back which was earlier slouched down, while sitting on her bed.

"No, enough crying kunti how long are you going to sit and cry for, while asking god to help you. No one is going to fix this but me. And I will! I won't sit back and see my sons draw each other's blood on the battlefield, I must interfere! I already saw my son suffer enough! I will have to speak up! I will have to reveal one of my darkest secrets and biggest sin."

Wh-what? What is pitamahi talking about?! Why would pitashree or any of my uncles want to battle each other with the aim to kill! They are like the five fingers of a hand, inseparable!

Pitamahi, someone I have been extremely close to since I was born, she is the kindest woman who also had to go through many hardships throughout her life like mata draupadi, what sin could she have done? Pitamahi and sin? Impossible!

Just as I was lost in an array of various thoughts and emotions pitamahi said something which grasped my attention, shocking me to the core

"It is time I finally take responsibility for my son, one who my heart yearned and longed for ever since that fateful day, the day I decided to commit the biggest sin of my life, t-to a-abandon my pure innocent son, fearing the society, this mother abandoned her own ansh (part) in the holy waters of ganga my son cried and held my finger refusing to let go but this helpless mother did something no mother can dream of doing *starting to cry* Jiji gandhari went against entire hastinapur for her son, and this mother, she just abandoned her son heartlessly. My dear son, even being right infront of me it felt like you were miles away. But I won't let you suffer anymore, I cannot bear this separation anymore putra karna.. Suryaputra Kaunteya Karna!"

N-no, it felt like my feet were going to give up on me, I could collapse any moment.. I somehow composed myself and immediately left, my presence unknown to pitamahi

End of Abhimanyu pov


Soldier pov
"What happened? Why is rajkumar running across the corridors looking so bewildered and teary eyed? Did something happen?" I asked my other soldier friend

"I don't know, just a while ago he was looking extremely pleased and excited making his way through the corridor." Replied the other soldier as they watched the prince dash towards the royal garden in a hurry!

End of soldier pov


Krishna pov
"Abhimanyu, you may have just changed the fate of this entire epic
Let's see where this change takes you.
The journey you have embarked on isn't an easy one but it isn't impossible either
you will realise many things, clear many misunderstandings, find new people and change your views"
Said krishna with a serene and calming smile on his face.

Thanks for reading!

So, our Abhimanyu knows the truth now, what do you think will be his reaction? Like krishna said will there be a change to the epic or will it remain the same and Abhimanyu's attempts will go futile. Read more to find out!

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