30 - Day 6, 7 & 8

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I'm not some expert who knows exactly what happened on each day of the war so if I get anything wrong or miss something, I sincerely apologise and please correct me because I'm getting all this information of what happened on each day of the war from wikipedia

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Mahabharat day 6

Guru dron kills many pandav soldiers and both armies' formations are broken

Bheem manages to penetrate the kaurav formation and attacks duryodhan, who is defeated but rescued.

Meanwhile the upandavas fight against ashwathama and destroy his chariot

Due to the terrific carnage caused by dron, the kauravas won the sixth day of the battle

Mahabharat Day 7

Yuyutsu is injured by kripa in a sword fight

Nakul and sahdev fight duryodhan's brothers but are overwhelmed by their number

Mahabharat day 8

Bheem kills 17 kauravas, Iravan kills five of shakuni's brothers.

Duryodhan deploys the rakshas fighter Alamvusha, who kills Iravan


Abhimanyu pov

The entire pandav camp is engulfed in silence and sadness, today my brother, Iravan was killed by alamvusha

Everyone mourns for his loss, while pitashree lights his pyre and slowly steps away

Everyone returns to their tents to mourn in silence, while I am drowned in thought "how I wouldn't have witnessed my brother die so young if it wasn't for the pride of a certain woman"

How much longer is pitamahi going to wait for? Till all her grandsons die?!

Is she made out of stone?!

My grief soon gets overshadowed by fury, now I really am growing impatient, before I used to be restless about when pitamahi would fulfil her promise, but not anymore! If anything I was burning with absolute unmistakable fury!

Once she's an innocent women who claims to love all her sons, the next second she's the same women who preferred sacrificing her own kin to either inevitable death or a life full of hardships and unfairness. The worst part is she still can't seem to fix her mistake after so many decades. The more time runs out the more I start to doubt who my pitamahi really is.

Abhimanyu pov ends

Thanks for reading!

8th day of the war complete! Bhishm is going to die soon and karna's entry on the battlefield is coming soon.. do you think kunti will keep her promise to abhi and tell karna before he arrives? Read more to find out!

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