Chapter 17- Dwarka

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Abhimanyu and Uttara reached Dwarka the next morning.

Krishna: subhi where are you? Abhi's almost at the entrance

Subhadra: here bhratashree! I can't wait to see putri uttara! Said Subhadra grinning wide

Then just as the Dwarka royal family stood outside the palace waiting for abhi and the newest member of their family, abhi and Uttara arrived, with Abhimanyu giving his hand to uttara to help her down the palki

Subhadra got tears in her eyes, seeing her son all grown up and married, while the others were also extremely happy for abhi and uttara

Abhimanyu and uttara stood in front of subhadra as she did their aarti

Subhadra: putri uttara, welcome to your new home, consider us your new family now. Subhadra said with a gentle smile while affectionately gazing at uttara

Abhimanyu and uttara bent down to receive everyone's blessings before they made their way inside the palace.


Abhimanyu and Uttara's personal chambers

"Uttara, how do you know tatshree karna?" Asked Abhimanyu curiously before sitting next to his wife on the bed

"Well you see pitashree karna is like a second father to me. I remember the first time I met him and bhrata vrish was when I was around 3, pitashree, and angraj were always on good terms, even friends if you must say, but then when I met bhrata vrish, we instantly bonded like siblings, and demanded to be in each other's company, thats how pitashree, and angraj became pretty close, eventually because of me and bhrata vrish being so close"

"I see, so whats angraj like as in a person?"

"He's the best! You know he's always been so kind to everyone! Once he saw some hungary kids on the street, so he got them food, new clothes and even got them adopted! He is also a man of morals, he never goes back on his word and if you ask for something from him during his suryapooja early in the morning he will always give it to you no matter what!"

"And he even said that during the dyut, when he called jyesht mata draupadi a vaishya, he never meant it as an insult. Which something I can't understand, like if he didn't mean to insult her then why did he call her a vaishya?!?"


"Anyways arya, its pretty late so I think we should sleep now"


Abhimanyu pov
What does uttara mean? Why would angraj say he never meant it as an insult to call her a vaishya?!? Was there some ulterior motive behind it?

End of Abhimanyu pov

Abhimanyu kept tossing and turning the whole night, while thinking about what Uttara just said

Thanks for reading!

Only 2 more days till the pandavas and draupadi return! Also what do you think about what uttara said? And do you think abhi will reveal his friendship with vrish or him meeting karna to anyone? Read more to find out!

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