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I muttered slowly, not believing my eyes

"Hey abhi! See I told you I'll see you again!"

"Bhrata!" Uttara cried before rushing to vrish and engulfing him in a hug

"I hope this dummy hasn't been troubling you too much anuj" vrish said with a watery smile

Pitamahi and mata looked confused while mata draupadi was furrowing her eyebrows

"Who is he putri? And abhi you know him?" Asked mata draupadi skeptically

"U-uh yes h-he's my friend, and uttara's brother"

Uttara moves away from vrish

"Yes mata" said uttara smilingly

"Brother? I didn't know maharaj virat had a son" said mata subhadra

(In this story uttara is the only child and doesn't have brothers😅)

"Yes mata, we may not be blood related but we have considered each other siblings since we were young"

"Thats nice" said pitamahi affectionately looking at vrish

"Whats your name son?" Asked pitamahi smiling

"Vrishketu, son of angraj karna, you can call me vrish" said vrish with a small smile but also a bit unsure as to how they would react

Mata draupadi and mata's smile immediately faded

Pitamahi looked shocked before regaining herself and looking even more affectionately at vrish

"Matao, I know you might be a bit uncertain about this but vrish is my best friend and he is one of the most important people to me, even though we only met at uttara's swayamvar but it felt as if we have known each other for centuries and bonded immediately, vrish is one of the best person I've known and I don't think it'll be fair to judge him on account of something he didn't do" I finished breathlessly almost justifying vrish

Mata draupadi and mata started smiling once again

"It's ok putra you don't need to justify anything, if anything we're proud of you for finding such a good friend" said mata

"Yes, putra" mata draupadi said looking at me before she turned around to vrish "and if your abhi's best friend and uttara's brother then you're like my putra as well" mata draupadi said smiling

"Thank you for accepting me.."

"You can call us mata"

"Thank you for accepting me matao" said vrish smiling his iconic signature smile

"Yah abhi! I didn't think I'd live to see the day where you praise me" said vrish smirking

I screamed before chasing after him

Mata draupadi, uttara, pitamahi, and mata broke out laughing seeing our antics

Thanks for reading!

Kinda short sorry! But my exams are eating me alive! Sorry and be sure to wait for the next chapter!

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Ųntold Ʈruth • Karna § AbhimanyuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora